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What were your glasses doing to you? - Printable Version
Eyesight Improvement Forum
What were your glasses doing to you? - Printable Version

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What were your glasses doing to you? - FlowerPower - 02-12-2009

I was thinking it would be a good idea to put all our observation of what were all the issues you had while wearing glasses/contacts or you are still wearing them. Doesn't matter if you are just considering Natural Vision training, you are already a student or you have cleared your sight, just recently or ages ago,...
I woudl like to have it under exactly same topic as Dr. Bates in his book, as I perfectly agree with him. Soem of the things I noticed and some I noticed after he pinpointed them. All those facts make me more happy of doing the training.

But, mostly would like to pass it on to my known and unknown friends still wearing glasses and telling me "They are fine with glasses". Or at least tell publicly to not hurry to put someone (specially not kids) inot glasses and make eye exercises publicly available and affordable option.

For many of you that do not agree with my initialtive, please try to understand my happiness and relieve with my vision improving after 33 years of blur...
I really need to share it with the world and help prevent sight problems among children.

God bless Dr. BAtes, Janet goodrich, and many, many others for doing their job...

So, I will just start here:

1. I had balance problems
2. stiff neck and shoulders muscles and wasn't comfortable with turning , like in driving....

will continue next time I am back. Please join me...

Re: What were your glasses doing to you? - FlowerPower - 02-24-2009

As soon as I posted this topic I actually thought it might be more correct to call it "What was your poor vision doing to you?" or what were the side effects in your body, emotions, social life, etc.. with having poor vision.

So, I'll just continue in this context.

- I had some stare look so I started noticing that every speaker would look at me. I realised by my staring eyes I would attract their attention, even when they are talking to someone lese, and I would mabye not have anything to say. That was pretty embarasing in those situation. I would be forced to eventually to turn my look even if they are still talking to me, which would look rude,...and this kind of behaviour I now see, was triggering all sort of unpleseant social events, like people trying to avoid me. Or I would be avoiding them, cause I didn't know what it is so much in me. It's good I eventually found out.

These things were even worse when I put my contact lenses on (in last 8 years). From start my grandma didn't like them on me, she was always saying it looks very strange and unnatural. I didn't want to listen as I liked having contact lenses on and I could wear sunglasses... But I noticed people being really attracted when I look at them.

-also this: I was wandering how come other people can look into everyone and notice everything and noone notices them. And I now know the answer: my look was slow and havy, staring into one area for longer. One reason being I have never learned how properly to use the eyes (it should be by bates suggestions of central fixation and soft free movement) but the second reason being glasses as they are pushing the eye NOT TO MOVE, not to do the job as someone else is doing the work for them -- glas

- this all conlcudes with me always being the guy that doesn't notice the things: who just passed on the street, what color someone's eyes are, what were they wearing,... etc. I was always like lost and always relying on others to tell me where something is, or where do we need to go now... You know, it doesn't sound so catastrofic like this, but eventually you end up being without your own will, you look into spots that even may be embarasing just because your eyes can't quickly glance around the environment, you become weird, lost in space, others make decisions for you, you are letting them. And at the end you are not living your life in all your capacity. Beleive me, it is really so bad.
- General feeling of "everyone can do it I can't"
- I was always phisically inert, not interested in any sport, that has it's price as we all know. So, I suffered generally in lack of movements - which is not good and I am now teaching my eyes to move as well as doing some daily exercises.

Please feel free to add more if you have noticed with yourself. I have more to say but have to stop here due to timing issues.