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Peace in mind - Printable Version
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Peace in mind - Printable Version

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Re: Peace in mind - hammer - 04-24-2011

DaniFixe Wrote:I came now realized that everything influence my nervous system: lights,music,food,people,environment...maybe this are the factors to not have any improvement. I need to change all this habits to keep my mind relaxed all the time. Definitely this is a commitment for life,but i will not give up!

That is really a good comment DaniFixe.
You expressed it so good that I almost have nothing to add to it, breathless,
then I realized I should continue to breathe Smile !
I learned the other day about Anuloma Viloma Pranayama yoga exercises that purifies the CNS into relaxation, interesting, Handa Yar recommmended it.
Yes, it is intersting because the CNS also contains the retina and connects to mind also.
I think it is a kind of a biological reset into relaxation you talk about.
Actually I don't really know how to relax the CNS, but I think you already named a few of the actions you could take. I think everyone needs to find out a concept of living that relaxes them, including some art or what ever.

There is also another way to relaxation and it is to use your body in a natural way,
then relaxation comes as a consequence. This is what Dave suggested, and I think he is right.

I will try both these ways, and I think this is something you always need to work with because the environment is not constant, the environment changes rapidly. Ok if you change lifestyle totally then you could get somewhat rather constant environment maybe, but that would be quite boring I guess, and also most people cannot change lifestyle totally.

Thanks DaniFixe.

Jeff Buckley - Deliverance - 07-22-2011

Here's a genius, an excellent musician, Jeff Buckley:

"Last Goodbye"
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

"Everybody here wants you"
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

"Yard of Blonde Girls"
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

Classic blues-folk rock.

Transatlantic - hammer - 08-09-2011

I heard yours and this music yesterday, and it was really good actually.
In this music I feel present and relaxed. I guess it is good for vision.
I think it is better live actually, might be a good sign,
watch this "Transatlantic -We all need some light":
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

Re: Peace in mind - pawel86ck - 09-14-2011

As I found, peace in mind is the most important key and also the reason why 99% of people who do eye exercises will fail.
I was doing Norbekov exercises for 3 months, without results but the authors said that mechanical work will bring no results, only when I cleared some traumas that absorbed my energy and changed my belief/emotional states my eyesight started improving without any eye exercises. What a strengh phenomena, it looks like entire success of vision recovery depands on our mind !!

Re: Peace in mind - Nini - 09-14-2011

The importance of relaxation is very obvious from the statements in this article:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... vision.php</a><!-- m -->

Bates says here:
Quote:I now know that all persons, whether they have what is considered to be normal sight, or whether they are suffering from errors of refraction, have flashes of telescopic or microscopic vision, and that even persons with organic disease, such as cataract, glaucoma, retinitis pigmentosa and atrophy of the optic nerve, may have such flashes. Everyone here is able to look up at the sky and see the moons of Jupiter, the rings of Saturn, or the double stars. But these flashes of supernormal vision are so short that they are not realized. some persons, however, are able to prolong them and may even make them permanent. I have a number of patients who have obtained telescopic and microscopic vision permanently. Two have told me that they can see the moons of Jupiter with the naked eye. A third was able to read ordinary newspaper type at a distance of twenty feet. A fourth read a photographic type reduction held close to her eyelashes, the letters being so small that I myself was unable to see them without a strong magnifying glass.

These flashes of super clear vision can reach the conscious mind:

Quote:Not only is it possible in some cases, to make this supernormal vision permanent, but it is also possible for the conscious mind to realize the impressions made on the subconscious mind by a flash of improved vision.

But I think the most important condition for this is that the subconscious mind is given the opportunity to 'communicate' with the conscious mind; and for this - I think - relaxation is the most important requirement.

What is true for these flashes of supernormal vision may apply also for flashes of 'normal' (20/20) clear sight - with which most of us would be perfectly satisfied.

Re: Peace in mind - hammer - 09-14-2011

pawel86ck Wrote:As I found, peace in mind is the most important key and also the reason why 99% of people who do eye exercises will fail.
I was doing Norbekov exercises for 3 months, without results but the authors said that mechanical work will bring no results, only when I cleared some traumas that absorbed my energy and changed my belief/emotional states my eyesight started improving without any eye exercises. What a strengh phenomena, it looks like entire success of vision recovery depands on our mind !!

Yes, but I would call it self awareness of your body, thoughts, feelings and awareness of why and how this affects you, for instance how it causes you strain when doing those eye exercises.
And then you have a tool to remove the source (trauma) too, bio feedback.
By the way, did you try to only exercise your eyes (mechanically) in the morning when your eyes are supposed to be most relaxed, instead of letting strained exercises deform your eyes in the evening when you are tired.
It is just a thought that I might try out myself.

Re: Peace in mind - hammer - 09-14-2011

Nini Wrote:The importance of relaxation is very obvious from the statements in this article:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... vision.php</a><!-- m -->

Bates says here:
Quote:I now know that all persons, whether they have what is considered to be normal sight, or whether they are suffering from errors of refraction, have flashes of telescopic or microscopic vision, and that even persons with organic disease, such as cataract, glaucoma, retinitis pigmentosa and atrophy of the optic nerve, may have such flashes. Everyone here is able to look up at the sky and see the moons of Jupiter, the rings of Saturn, or the double stars. But these flashes of supernormal vision are so short that they are not realized. some persons, however, are able to prolong them and may even make them permanent. I have a number of patients who have obtained telescopic and microscopic vision permanently. Two have told me that they can see the moons of Jupiter with the naked eye. A third was able to read ordinary newspaper type at a distance of twenty feet. A fourth read a photographic type reduction held close to her eyelashes, the letters being so small that I myself was unable to see them without a strong magnifying glass.

These flashes of super clear vision can reach the conscious mind:

Quote:Not only is it possible in some cases, to make this supernormal vision permanent, but it is also possible for the conscious mind to realize the impressions made on the subconscious mind by a flash of improved vision.

But I think the most important condition for this is that the subconscious mind is given the opportunity to 'communicate' with the conscious mind; and for this - I think - relaxation is the most important requirement.

What is true for these flashes of supernormal vision may apply also for flashes of 'normal' (20/20) clear sight - with which most of us would be perfectly satisfied.

That is true Nini.
Locking when seeing causes strain due to that the vision must stabilize and stabilisation always involves some amount of strain, but the vision was aimed to strain temporarily and not stare too long. In our society the circumstances forces us to use stabilized seeing during very long times, and thus the eyes are not very well adapted to the modern society, and thus many people are myopic. There is thus a self perpetuating spiral of more stabilisation, more tension, more stabilisation in the long run due to increased tension, more stabilisation, more tension, and so on.
When you activate the sub conscious you break this spiral, and thus the vision improves. However if you activate the sub conscious for too long I think also the vision can get worse again due to that you will be less present of the world around you. You are right it is a "communication", or maybe it is just a question of closing the eyes every now and then and feel thoughts, emotions, your body, in order to release tension. Sometimes I wonder if the peripheral seeing is part of the sub conscious, I guess it is, and thus alternating between peripheral seeing and central seeing could be interesting, even though the sub concious will carry it out anyway on its own.

"The law of attraction" and creative visualization - hammer - 11-12-2011

You can cure yourself with positive thoughts, if you channelize via the wholeness.
But if you bypass the wholeness you will not get the positive effect, like thinking only on yourself (egoistic).

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... _embedded#</a><!-- m -->!

Creative visualization is the technique of using one's imagination to visualize specific behaviors or events occurring in one's life. Advocates suggest creating a detailed schema of what one desires and then visualizing it over and over again with all of the senses (i.e., what do you see? what do you feel? what do you hear? what does it smell like?). For example, in sports a golfer may visualize the "perfect" stroke over and over again to mentally train muscle memory.

Guided meditation by the wanderingmaster - hammer - 11-19-2011

I really recommend you to watch this video below.
In this video the wanderingmaster describes how to meditate, contemplate and pay attention.
I think it really resonates with "peace in mind" and how you shall be able to relax in order to be able to improve your vision.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... 5ZqwPIh1dw</a><!-- m -->

Re: Peace in mind - Nini - 11-20-2011

Hi Hammer,
I have re-read your answer to my post again and it gave me the idea, that there is a parallel between our seeing habits and our state of mind; not that one can construct a direct link between these two, but certainly the 'wrong' state of mind is an obstacle on the way back to clear sight.

We have to let our eyes find the smallest point without trying to hold it and without controlling and manipulating the process, just provide the necessary guidance to find the way back from long misuse and bad seeing habits.

To find the peace in mind is a very similar process; to guide our mind back to find the fulfilment in the depths of every (small) single moment and not to see each moment through the 'glasses of our worldview', to evaluate its importance according to our 'greater' goals we wish to achieve, to label every moment whether it is 'fruitful' and' productive' or just 'a waste of time'.
We can only find the peace of mind, when every moment gets its fulfilment in itself, without being subordinated to the fulfilment of a greater goal - otherwise it leads to a feeling of emptiness, something is always lacking...and the expectations in the moments of 'real life' (i.e. the 'highlights in our life like holidays, meeting good friends, some special event, having a lot of money to spend...) increase so much, that they can't be satisfied and again leave a feeling of something still lacking..
It is like putting coins on a savings account to spend them some time for something really worth while - which will never come...
(I don't want to say that we shouldn't have goals in our life, but they should not dominate our state of mind to the extent that we loose contact to the depths of every single moment)

The circumstances in different situations are not really better or worse, but only different. You will not find more fulfilment and satisfaction in your life with a bit more money or a better job or even better friends....
Because what you are really looking for is not 'outside', but 'inside' yourself. Every situation in which you are is only a sort of a seed, which might flourish - when you appreciate it in the right way - and finally be fruitful for your whole life with the appropriate care and attention.
(Of course there are extreme situations in which it is difficult to find any fulfilment, but still then they are easier to bear once you have found peace in mind)

And back again to the comparison with the right way to see with our eyes - once we experience a moment's fulfilment, real happiness and satisfaction, there is no way to 'fix' it, get hold of it and make it a permanent possession. It has to be searched and found continuously.

Re: Peace in mind - hammer - 11-21-2011

Nini Wrote:...
And back again to the comparison with the right way to see with our eyes - once we experience a moment's fulfilment, real happiness and satisfaction, there is no way to 'fix' it, get hold of it and make it a permanent possession. It has to be searched and found continuously.

That is probably a true reflection Nini.

I also reflected upon your idea.
People say that when they have a feeling of giving up, then they have a clear flash afterwards.
You can also identify this giving up feeling in the intelligent awareness of the moment,
because if the moment is infinitely short then your self cease to exist,
that is you forget about yourself,
that is you are bypassing your self and instead experience the whole,
that is you live within a channel of the whole instead of tuning in your self.
Some people say that this is the secret in "the law of attraction" where your thought is an energy power that creates your goal, that is the thoughts manifests via emotions into a goal.
It is quite fascinating.
I don't really know what I shall believe here (have to contemplate Wink, I just observe what others have said about this matter and it resonates with your idea.

By the way I also read a quote:
There is a great difference between worry and concern.
A worried person sees a problem, and a concerned person solves a problem. (Harold Stephens)

So a worried person does not live in the moment, because it is not necessary to be present.
A concerned person on the other hand MUST live in the moment in order to have success in action !!
So there you have the explanation why myopic persons often are worried and full of anxiety.
One way of gettting rid of the worries would thus to be to become more concerned in the moment,
and only worry about things that is possible for you to solve.

Re: Peace in mind - hammer - 11-22-2011

pawel86ck Wrote:As I found, peace in mind is the most important key and also the reason why 99% of people who do eye exercises will fail.
I was doing Norbekov exercises for 3 months, without results but the authors said that mechanical work will bring no results, only when I cleared some traumas that absorbed my energy and changed my belief/emotional states my eyesight started improving without any eye exercises. What a strengh phenomena, it looks like entire success of vision recovery depands on our mind !!

Your story is really interesting. Would you like to explain/write some more about it Smile
How did you actually clear your traumas ?
Was your belief/emotional states controlled initially by thought/thought patterns and thus if you enable the intelligent awareness inside of you you can let negative energy go off, was it like that ?

Re: Peace in mind - Nini - 11-23-2011

hammer Wrote:By the way I also read a quote:
There is a great difference between worry and concern.
A worried person sees a problem, and a concerned person solves a problem. (Harold Stephens)

So a worried person does not live in the moment, because it is not necessary to be present.
A concerned person on the other hand MUST live in the moment in order to have success in action !!
So there you have the explanation why myopic persons often are worried and full of anxiety.
One way of gettting rid of the worries would thus to be to become more concerned in the moment,
and only worry about things that is possible for you to solve.
Maybe even both - worries and concern - can be an obstacle for really living in the moment.
Take for example the famous story of the millionaire and the fisherman ( <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... fisherman/</a><!-- m --> ). If you compare the situation of the fisherman as he lives actually to the same situation as a millionaire - being rich would not make it easier for him to enjoy his same life as before.
Having such a lot of money at a bank (or placed in some financial investment), he would probably be concerned about the development of the world's economy and be worried in what way this might affect his fortune...

And even without these worries/concern, being rich would only give him the opportunity to do everything he wants, would offer him a lot additional possibilities. But to 'feel rich', being aware of all the other things he could do would not really help him to enjoy more what he is actually doing - on the contrary. He would loose the direct 'touch' of life for the sake of living the the idea, the concept of a rich man's life.

Re: Peace in mind - hammer - 11-23-2011

Nini Wrote:
hammer Wrote:By the way I also read a quote:
There is a great difference between worry and concern.
A worried person sees a problem, and a concerned person solves a problem. (Harold Stephens)

So a worried person does not live in the moment, because it is not necessary to be present.
A concerned person on the other hand MUST live in the moment in order to have success in action !!
So there you have the explanation why myopic persons often are worried and full of anxiety.
One way of gettting rid of the worries would thus to be to become more concerned in the moment,
and only worry about things that is possible for you to solve.
Maybe even both - worries and concern - can be an obstacle for really living in the moment.
Take for example the famous story of the millionaire and the fisherman ( <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... fisherman/</a><!-- m --> ). If you compare the situation of the fisherman as he lives actually to the same situation as a millionaire - being rich would not make it easier for him to enjoy his same life as before.
Having such a lot of money at a bank (or placed in some financial investment), he would probably be concerned about the development of the world's economy and be worried in what way this might affect his fortune...

And even without these worries/concern, being rich would only give him the opportunity to do everything he wants, would offer him a lot additional possibilities. But to 'feel rich', being aware of all the other things he could do would not really help him to enjoy more what he is actually doing - on the contrary. He would loose the direct 'touch' of life for the sake of living the the idea, the concept of a rich man's life.

Of course you cannot value everything in money.
I though think that it is much better to be concerned about things that you actually have a possibility to affect, rather than to be worried about everything no matter if you can affect it or not.

People are really bad at being able to value things around them, I think it is due to that they haven't enabled their intelligent awareness inside. Instead people get affected by external factors, like for instance media. When you are aware you see other values in life.
I have another quote that shows this impossibility to value things in money:

"If you listen close at night,
you will hear the creatures of the dark,
all of them sacred
- the owls, the crickets, the frogs,
the night birds
and you will hear beautiful songs,
songs you haven't heard before.
Listen with your heart.
Never stop listening."
- Henry Quick Bear, Lakota

Re: Peace in mind - hammer - 11-26-2011

Nini Wrote:
hammer Wrote:By the way I also read a quote:
There is a great difference between worry and concern.
A worried person sees a problem, and a concerned person solves a problem. (Harold Stephens)

So a worried person does not live in the moment, because it is not necessary to be present.
A concerned person on the other hand MUST live in the moment in order to have success in action !!
So there you have the explanation why myopic persons often are worried and full of anxiety.
One way of gettting rid of the worries would thus to be to become more concerned in the moment,
and only worry about things that is possible for you to solve.
Maybe even both - worries and concern - can be an obstacle for really living in the moment.
Take for example the famous story of the millionaire and the fisherman ( <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... fisherman/</a><!-- m --> ). If you compare the situation of the fisherman as he lives actually to the same situation as a millionaire - being rich would not make it easier for him to enjoy his same life as before.
Having such a lot of money at a bank (or placed in some financial investment), he would probably be concerned about the development of the world's economy and be worried in what way this might affect his fortune...

And even without these worries/concern, being rich would only give him the opportunity to do everything he wants, would offer him a lot additional possibilities. But to 'feel rich', being aware of all the other things he could do would not really help him to enjoy more what he is actually doing - on the contrary. He would loose the direct 'touch' of life for the sake of living the the idea, the concept of a rich man's life.

I have to say just thanks for your post Nini. I have realized now that you are right. It helped me through yesterday worries.