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Peace in mind - Printable Version
Eyesight Improvement Forum
Peace in mind - Printable Version

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Re: Relax out of fear, walking on snow without leaving a tra - hammer - 10-11-2012

hammer Wrote:So the title "walking on snow without leaving a trace" is an analogy for not letting fear leave traces/disturbances in your mind. I think it is a rather good affirmation for me actually.
I tell you little more about what it also means to me.

A simple advice to overcome fear/hate (and relax into seeing) is to imagine something you fear for and overcome it until you reach into deeper tranquility (more effortless natural visual habits).
For instance you can imagine a tiger in your garden or some person that you hate.
Then you look at details of the imagined tiger.
Initially this will cause some temporary strain to your mind/eyes,
but that is what you shall overcome.
Thus you keep relax into seeing,
while you thus look at the imagined tiger more and more effortlessly,
until you eventually you shall feel tranquil in both your eyes and mind,
despite that you thus still look into the eyes of that tiger.

This I believe is effective for me,
my vision improvement is lasting much longer and you get mentally much stronger,
and much more tranquil alert thinking, communicative, mind, and eyes.
You feel much faster and smarter inside despite that you are more tranquil,
that is an awesome combination actually.
So the road of tranquility is actually full of a lot of road blocks (such dependencies) that you need to identify and then eliminate mentally with this I think rather simple technique.
In other words the tranquility needs a level of maintenance in order to prevail !

Cheers !

... or just simply imagine walking the el camino del rey:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

Reborned - hammer - 04-21-2013

Today I realised that just looking at details is not enough, because you need to care much deeper about what you look at and thus activate both empathy and imagination of what you focus on.
This is definitely according to all natural principles, might also even be a key to rescue the world if everyone did so. If you still find it strange then you must keep in mind that consciousness builds our world, and thus even a stone might have consciousness written in imagination.

This video is describing my insight in one of the most amazing and beautiful videos I ever seen:

Change - hammer - 06-11-2013

Oh, I just saw that 10000 people has read this thread, might be an intresting topic at least.
Then I just thought I write about a little finding I had.

I listened to a successful model the other day (actually one of the most successful models in the world) and she said that in order to succeed as a model you need to be able to change all the time, deliver something new, like if you were reborned in every moment, to also feel reborned, and you needed to be strong as a person ( I guess she meant an inner strength like you get if you have a peace in mind and that helps you to reach your goals).

That is the same with vision and mind I thought to myself, a central vision that sees new beautiful details in sort of zoomed in slow motion in time, but yet fast moving. Central vision reborned in every moment.

I have listened to this trance music track a rather long time ago, and I thought, nice but nothing more.
But, now I listened to the same track again, and it is really good vision music actually, especially the text also. It is called close your eyes:

My thinking of the mindset to adapt - hammer - 10-08-2013

I thought I should write something about my insight of the most important thing to do in order to survive, might be simple and general, but do you carry it with you in your heart ?

In our world of change the most important thing to do in order to survive is to adapt.
Adapt to new positive changes and circumstances.
The ability of adaptation must be present in every current moment, it is your action power of the now.
It is your hope, your possibilities, your joy, your sound thinking, your imagination, your understanding, your awareness, your wakefullness, your decisions, your power, your success in action. It is all included in your infinite power and possibilities that you as a human possess in each current moment in order to adapt.

It is the ones that can adapt in the right way that will survive, thus it doesn't have to be the smartest people that survive in the end.

I use to stop for a second every now and then and think about how I can adapt.
In retrospect I see why I am here now.

For instance I very often adapt to natural visual habits and effortless seeing,
but of course the concept concerns everything we do and it is all interconnected.

Have you listened to the Perfect Destiny:[/quote]

Awakening, consciousness, and the true nature of reality - hammer - 02-02-2014

Here is two interesting recommendations for the ones interested to watch.

It was my dear sister who urged me to watch them.
She has read many books about past lives and such things,
and she now recommended me to watch Dolores Cannon.
I then understod that what Dolores said was also in some way relevant for sub conscious mind of vision.
"Moving into the New Earth" with hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon:

The other beautiful documentary film about inner worlds and outer worlds:

Be positive !

RE: Peace in mind - hammer - 02-16-2014

Music for the mind and heart is improving health and vision,
that is for sure true.
I listen to this chill out music when I do central fixation with shifting
(or as others would have put it "print pushing").
Here blow are some of the tracks I listen to currently and they all
describe the feeling I get in my eyes and mind when my vision clears up. Smile

Chill Brothers feat Angelica Borof - Infinity:

Yuri Kane - Right Back (Chillout Mix):

Alt+F4 -Alt+F4 (W&D Chill Out Remix) [HD]:

See Energy in the Air - hammer - 02-18-2014

Tune the mind to see energy and auras, cool lazy as I am, THE link:

RE: Peace in mind - David - 02-20-2014

(02-18-2014, 02:43 PM)hammer Wrote: Tune the mind to see energy and auras, cool lazy as I am, THE link:

It makes you consider how this could fit into using your eyes right. The peripheral vision has multiple known and obvious purposes already, and as long as peripheral vision is used in the specific way the brain can handle it it's fine. One explanation I've heard about auras is they aren't actually seen, they're just sensed by consciousness, so it isn't a function of the brain at all but is overlaid into vision because that's one way the perception translates. Another way it translates is a feeling you're being watched, or that there are people near you.

What he said about the pixels that appear to be in the air, and ears ringing, could be kind of the same thing. If being "calmer" lessens the perception of pixels, "calmer" in this sense may actually mean better immersed with your physical body. It's like how you may or may not hear an outside sound while you're sleeping, but if so, if you stay asleep you'll integrate the sound into a dream. Now that doesn't give an excuse for seeing badly, and conceivably it could even help a person see better if it means he is better able to make sense of what he is perceiving and stop struggling against it thinking it is just a another type of blur or symptom of bad vision.

Anyway, I'm just exploring how what he said could be true.

And is it just me, or is there a lot more internet content on metaphysics like this than there used to be?

RE: Seeing Energy - hammer - 02-23-2014

(02-20-2014, 11:27 PM)David Wrote: ...
Anyway, I'm just exploring how what he said could be true.

And is it just me, or is there a lot more internet content on metaphysics like this than there used to be?

Thanks David as always,
what would I do without you and your amazing work.

I learned that the aura can be seen 10 times better without glasses.
The glasses changes the spectrum of light in a way that affects the perception. The glasses again freezes the eyes.

I also learned that the energy field is programmable,
quite interesting,
that would mean it is possible to affect it in one way or the other,
compare "law of attraction".

First I thought the static was just about poor human night vision,
but then I learned about the trade off between color vision and night vision and I understod that it wasn't the case.
There is a good reason why humans have quite poor night vision.
Cats just have some reflection layer in their eyes that makes the perception look brighter while on the other hand the cat instead sees rather blurry at daytime:
So, my interpretation is that seeing energy has nothing to do with night vision.
Maybe humans are quite good at sensing energy after all.
The video link in my last post had 500.000 views and there was a huge number of comments from people that confirmed what he said,
that is amazing.
I tried to read through all the comments, but I had to give up after a while.
It reveals the enormous interest there is out there regarding vision.
What if all those people became members here on iblindness Big Grin.

You wrote that consciousness might be involved in some way when seeing energy fields.
Well, we are all part of everything in what we could describe as a world of information.
So it would mean we can sense things by just the fact that we already are part of it.
The eyes are also very sensitive to energy fields.
How on earth this further works we don't have to dig into.
What we on the other hand can conclude is that awareness,
curiosity and imagination are some qualities that again contribute to clearer vision.

I managed to see both the "static" and auras, quite easily actually.


10 signs of a spiritual awakening - hammer - 02-24-2014

I have seen all these wonderful signs of spiritual awakening:

Might though need to go through some hard times to get there.
It is the inner meditative beauty that must blossom.
People are like flowers, want to be treated so too.
Bates method is carrying the meditative wings of freedom !

Clear your mind & Face reading - hammer - 03-29-2014

Talk into existence and imagine you are already there ! Cool

How to Clear Your Mind:

How to raise your frequency:

How to Attract With Your Mind:

Face Reading PART SEVEN:

Please must watch this Poetry - hammer - 06-22-2014

Tip: Watch poetry by Pablo Neruda below !
But remark, take deep breaths, breath in, hold breath, breath out.
all the time through your nose and relax your shoulders, arms, neck,
just Think of how relaxed they are (and gets) and
how wonderful rythm the breathing is/gets.
Warning: That will clear your vision. If not Close your Eyes for a while:

Leaning into the Afternoons by Pablo Neruda

Here I Love You by Pablo Neruda

"Tonight I Can Write The Saddest Lines" by Pablo Neruda

Kapalbhati - hammer - 06-30-2014

Kapalbhati ("The breath of fire"):

Mind control of the pupil size - The Moken people - hammer - 07-05-2014

I have eventually learnt about the Moken people.
They relax into a trance like state and can then control their pupils under water so they can see as clearly under water as on land.
Twice better sharpness compared to Europeans, but it seems all about learning the mind to shrink the pupil size.
Maybe that is one reason why some people here on this forum see clear flashes go away, and cannot keep clarity long enough.

How Moken people see clearly under water:

How to control your pupil size:

And, yes, the muscles that widen and constrict the pupils are accessible to conscious control.

To learn to control pupil dilation, try this: go into a dark room that has only one pin-point source of white light. If you look at it from a distance, it will probably appear to have a small "halo" of light. (This works much better for people who need glasses: just take off your glasses and study the blurred circle of light!)

As your pupil contracts and dilates, the circle of light will appear to grow and shrink. With time and effort, you will find that you can cause that effect to happen under conscious control.

Bingo: you control your pupils and lens.

Re: Mind control of the pupil size - The Moken people - hammer - 07-06-2014

By the way, regarding my last post I forgot to refer to a paper that describes how Swedish children were trained to improve their underwater acuity.
Very interesting to read, but of course it assumes that you also have that interest, else forget about it.

Visual training improves underwater vision in children: