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Opening my Eyes - Printable Version
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Opening my Eyes - Printable Version

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Opening my Eyes - Sightseer - 07-16-2011


I have decided to open my eyes to be able to see properly without glasses! Smile
I'm grateful to have found this website.

Recently, I posed a question on a Q and A website basically asking if anyone out there knew a list of legit eye doctors open enough to prescribe weaker prescriptions and such. Wow. The few answers I received shot down my question telling me that is no way to improve your vision once you are wearing "corrective"(aka not so correcting and very ugly) lenses. Even after I explained to them the following...

Years back, my pair of glasses broke and I had to wear an old pair. I could not see extra clear,but I was able to drive to work. About a week later, I noticed my eyes adjusted to where I could see slightly better with the weaker pair. I didn't really think much of it.

Then last year, I started paying more attention to the foods I was putting into my body. I get my eyes examined. The vision in my weaker eye improved! At first, I was nervous because I was having trouble seeing the letters. Turns out the lens was too strong and I needed the weaker one to see the letter more clearly!!

The eye doctor double-checked(which I never had done before!)his readings. When writing out my prescription for contacts, my eye went a full step to a weaker degree! All I remember changing was my food intake and being more positive!

And that's why I can't believe the nay-sayers on that Q and A website! Whether it's a placebo effect or something else, when (not if) I can get to the point of not using these glasses, I will be much happier! Smile

I ask you fellow posters, how are you doing in your vision journey?

Re: Opening my Eyes - RB120 - 07-16-2011

Hi there,

I'm fairly new to this website myself, so all I can claim is that the journey is a bit of an on-going process for me at the moment. Not much of a believer in glasses myself, even from day-one of hanging the pair of spectacles on top of my nose. I used to have back problems, and really the correct way to fix something like that is to just condition your body, develop good habits like posture, and use the body as it is meant to be used, and so I did. Problem solved. The same can be said for the eyes I think, and it seems that this site provides plenty of advice on doing just that. When people say it's impossible to correct the eyes naturally, I begin to raise a brow of my own. I quite dislike the word "impossible".

Granted, I think the task of actually restoring vision naturally isn't exactly the most conceivable or easy. Perhaps that is the reason why people are still wearing glasses today. Some bad habits are hard to drop, and some good habits are hard to learn (or relearn), but possibly, once the bad habits are dropped and the good habits are learned, everything starts to fall into place. That is what I tell myself anyways. It makes perfect sense to me, and it tackles the root of vision problems as opposed to other ways of treatment where merely tackles the symptoms.

Over the past five or so years, I've been trying out all kinds of exercises and techniques, striving for better vision. The progress, to be honest, is not much, and that is probably because I am still studying courses in U and because one of my many jobs include sitting behind a computer all day skimming pages of unproductive text. Nonetheless, I don't think my vision has deteriorated. A recent vision test had me reading letters at the 20/60 level, which seems like an improvement for me. The last time I went to get glasses had me at 20/100. It could be that my glasses are over-prescribed, but then again, I don't feel comfortable wearing them these days either, so maybe things did improve. I suppose I should be grateful for such light impairment, or at least that is what some doctors tell me. I can see fairly fine in broad daylight without glasses, and things do seem slightly better than the way I remembered it.

Anyways, I find the information on this forum and site to be rather interesting, insightful, and provides plenty of things to really think about. I've actually learned more here than anywhere else, because rather than just doing eye-exercises for exercise sake, there is much to be said about actually using the eyes correctly. Reading up on some of the success stories is also a motivator, and despite the fact that there is always the possibility of placebo effects or even straight-out deception (whether to themselves or to others), I tend not to believe this is the case. After all, the information here is free, and people share their experiences when they feel like it. Having studied a bit about evolution and medical anthropology in the past, I tend to believe that learning the fundamentals of correct usage of the eyes, mind, and body really covers the root of the problem.

That's just my journey, anyways. Thought I would share Smile

Re: Opening my Eyes - Sightseer - 07-18-2011

Thanks for sharing your personal insight and comments, RB120.

I vaguely remember seeing without glasses as a child. I received my first pair sometime after getting into school. They were prescribed so I could watch TV. :-[ I might have been in the first or second grade. I didn't wear them 24/7. Sometimes, I would forget them at school.

It really struck home with me reading the portions of Bates' experiences with helping children and suggesting what teachers could do. I feel like I was let down by my eye doctor(didn't like him as he made nervous and he would get impatient with me). All that doctor did was prescribe stronger and stronger lenses....years later when I wanted to wear contacts, he told me that I would never be able to wear them. I found a different eye doctor after that. I'm glad I no longer go to that eye doctor and I am able to wear contacts without any problems. Now, I feel I'm at the stage in my live, I want to see clearly without glasses. It's a different experience to see with your own eyes!

I've gone on walks without wearing my glasses. It seems to follow the principles of an impressionistic painting. People in the far distant background look like blobs of paint. My reaction time to bugs flying at me is about the same as if I had the glasses on. I can see slight detail of the scenery when I closed my eyes and see through my eyelashes. When I put the glasses back on, I get a slight headache.

Through my own personal observations, I'm thinking my eyesight is not necessarily poor,but it might have been the school environment. So with due time, I think I could give my eyes the TLC they need to kick back and give me clear vision. Smile

Currently, I'm reading the Primal Blueprint. Though it doesn't go into vision related topics, the author paints an interesting viewpoint to where our ancestors were stronger. It doesn't make sense so many people having to wear glasses. In Grok's timeline, then our ancestors would be a bunch of blind moles......and that would be the end of civilization I think for the most part if we cannot see to avoid predatorsn or cannot see the world around us period.

You figure people think it's "normal" to wear glasses. But what if one was losing his hearing year by year or losing strength in his arms year by year. That's abnormal and I imagine someone in that terrible position would research into alternatives rather to be confined to a hearing aid or other device.