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Seeing millions of small sperm-like sparks - Printable Version
Eyesight Improvement Forum
Seeing millions of small sperm-like sparks - Printable Version

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Seeing millions of small sperm-like sparks - Weaself - 07-30-2012

First, sorry if I picked the wrong forum

Apart from the floaters, I notice something strange when I look at the bright sky or any bright and light surface. It looks like millions microscopic worms in the background and it won't stop. I wondered if those might be blood vessels or something?

The sparks became very bright when I did a lot of exercises upside down (I train Gracie Jiu jitsu, it's kinda like wrestling) for example head-standing. From then on, I rarely do the exercises involving head standing because I got scared-the sparks looked intimidating, it was like seeing glittering snowflakes around. This lasted like 10 seconds or so, and some people would tell me they saw something similar.

The "worms" (the word for "worm" would be the most proper in my native language, I'm not sure if it makes sense in English) that I see normally in the sun behave in the same fashion as the bright sparks, though they are perceivable only when looking at the sky or a white sheet in a bright room.

I've had my retina examined twice in the past year, each time by a different doctor to make sure I have no tears or detachment. They both said my retina was fine. I'm afraid of retina detachment because I do sports and when I strain very much with my eyes closed I sometimes see flashes just like during sneezing. I don't know if that's normal, but I prefer to take every precautionary measure possible.

I gave up boxing because of that fear, do you think it was a good idea? Getting hit in the head is pack and parcel of boxing, and seeing stars when hit hard is even more normal in boxing practice lol

Re: Seeing millions of small sperm-like sparks - clarknight - 07-30-2012

It's good to keep getting the eye exams. Since the doctor says the retina is ok; maybe its neck tension or low fluids, potassium making the blood pressure a bit low or dehydration; this can cause sparks when bending down and suddenly standing up especially in humid weather. I, when young used to get those flying sparks after doing about 5 handsprings one after the other. Gymnastics. Only occasionally. We were often dehydrated due to cost of water, poor family.

People with a stiff neck, tense eyes looking close, down all day at work can get tiny flashes of light. They might be a form of floater or just tension in the eyes, strain.

Another eyesight effect is; on some days when the ions in the air, temperature is just right you can see what looks like moving sparks, electrons? when looking at the bright blue sky. I think Thomas Quackenbush or Goodrich writes about this. It may actually be some electrical... thing in the atmosphere.

Also; when looking at a light, at just the right angel you can see the corpuscles, I think its called, moving in the blood vessels, capillaries in the retina.

Re: Seeing millions of small sperm-like sparks - Weaself - 07-30-2012

I don't know if the sparks are connected with tension in the neck in any way, but I'd love to know some way to relieve the tension. Do you happen to know any way of reducing the tension in the neck?

Re: Seeing millions of small sperm-like sparks - clarknight - 07-30-2012
Shows how some students of karate... get dizziness, visual effects as they learn new moves, flips and it temporarily strains muscles on the collarbones that travel up behind the ears, head...

The long swing, figure eight/infinity swing can help. I also like the astigmatism chart swings.
I can give you a free chart and directions. Prefer to do on Skype than typing it all. You dont have to have astigmatism to benefit form the swings and the chart is not needed. It can be done on a landscape view, wall...

Eyeglasses and using them incorrect; looking over the top, under the bottom, out the sides tenses the neck. Just wearing them restricts eye, head movement and contributes to neck tension.

Less computer. No looking down at the keys can help. Some people that use the computer a lot experience muscle sprains, knots they don't even know they have; it's from exercise, lifting... after tensing up the neck, shoulders all day on the computer. One guy gets vertigo when doing weight lifting, other exercise at the gym after 6-10 hours straining the arm, neck drawing graphics with the mouse. He now takes breaks, exercises first in the morning, avoids different types computer strain, takes a day off and is better.