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My eyes, my ears and my glasses - Printable Version
Eyesight Improvement Forum
My eyes, my ears and my glasses - Printable Version

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My eyes, my ears and my glasses - chris hansen - 12-20-2005


Today at work I was in the hall without my glasses. I stopped to look out the window at the snow falling and I started to feel kind of a tug in my ears, sort of like they wanted to pop. I continued on, noticing how three dimensional everything was, and the feeling of my ears popping got stronger. When I got back to my desk and put my reduced prescreption glasses back on, everything on my desk looked really sharp. When I looked further out things were still a bit blurry but up close it felt like the glasses were almost too strong.

Does anyone have any thoughts? Is it possible that, at that moment, my glasses were stronger than I needed at that distance? Has anyone else noticed your eyes affecting your ears or other body parts?

Re: My eyes, my ears and my glasses - David - 12-23-2005

Oh yes, I've had issues with muscles relaxing and bringing on all kinds of sensations, in my shoulders, back, ears, and face. One way to see that spread of tension is general habits of holding in emotions, armoring, and using force far in excess of what's necessary to accomplish tasks.

Emotions can play a role, but it comes down to how they're handled, which just reflects a general habit of how you go about things (and vision is such a large part of most things we do).


Re: My eyes, my ears and my glasses - Mihai_alexandru - 08-14-2008

I also have sensations in my ears sometimes and my eyes at the same time. I've been to the mountain for the last days on big altitudines and from the difference in pressure I felt a really really strong sensation in my right eye and my right ear. In my usual life I feel minor sensations in the eye and ear but they happen quite often and. I've been told sometimes that I don't hear well enough. I can't tell for myself because the difference is subtle but maybe the strain is connected and it also affects my ears? I also don't know what to believe.

Re: My eyes, my ears and my glasses - clarknight - 08-14-2008

Tension in the neck muscles can also block full drainage of the ear eustation tubes.
Do you have wax buildup in the ears?
A earwax cleaning can improve hearing, balance and when these improve it helps eyesight improve.
When my neck gets very tense and vertabrae soar, stiff, my ears ring and balance messes up..

Re: My eyes, my ears and my glasses - Ram - 08-14-2008

I am sure hearing is connected to central fixation as well. I normally hear extremely well but some three years ago I almost went deaf without any diagnosable cause. It lasted for a month and I had resigned to the fact that I had lost my ears in addition to my eyes. To my luck, it recovered on its own back to normal. Now I think I must have had 'myopia' of the ears due to poor central fixation.( no wonder no cause was found) I also had terrible ringing and a stuffy feeling at that time.

Even nowadays, whenever I have clear flashes I experience better hearing too. During moments of improved vision I can hear the sound of rotation of the ceiling fan ( which is usually barely audible) very loud and clear, and even the sound of mouse click is so crisp. I think central fixation is much more than a device to restore vision, it should work on every faculty. My eyes are so bad so a momentary relaxation still does not give me normal vision. But I can notice the phenomenal effect it is having on my hearing because my hearing is already good.

Practise central fixation to cure all kinds of ailments. It is a vastly unexplored and undervalued territory except for anecdotal evidence.