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Abdominal breathing questions - Printable Version
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Abdominal breathing questions - Printable Version

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Abdominal breathing questions - Mike82 - 06-30-2007

    Hey guys. I've been reading these forums for some time but I believe this is my first post. I've been doing the Bate's method for probably about a month now and I do feel I'm making progress. I recently got more into abdominal breathing, and I often get some clear flashes during the day. The only thing is, my eyes sometimes feel dry after a while. Am I breathing correctly or doing anything wrong? I usually just breath deep enough and notice my stomach push out a bit. Let me know what you guys think. Thanks a lot!

Re: Abdominal breathing questions - Jason - 06-30-2007

Hello Mike,

My guess is that it's because you're not blinking correctly. Of course keeping your eyes open for an extended period of time can dry them out. One's blinking pattern is usually an unconscious habit, so it's possible that a person could have a bad habit of blinking less frequently, and suffer from dry eyes. This makes sense, because Bates attributes both overly dry eyes and overly watery eyes simply to eyestrain.

My advice for dry eyes: Immediately close them gently and imagine or remember something relaxing (e.g. your favorite smell, song, or visual memory like a sunset, mountain, etc. Remembering a small area of black perfectly is also a cure). Of course permanent relief is obtained when you subconsciously use your eyes correctly again.

Mike82 Wrote:Am I breathing correctly or doing anything wrong? I usually just breath deep enough and notice my stomach push out a bit.

I've read on abdominal breathing and I think you're doing it just fine. I found that the harder I try to breathe correctly the less I am able to breathe LOL. Maybe you should practice exhaling slowly and completely and noticing your stomach push back in before taking in another breath. I find this sometimes helps me to get a fuller breath next time.

Good luck!

Re: Abdominal breathing questions - Kazekage - 07-01-2007

Hi Mike,

It's good to see you posting!

Quote:I've read on abdominal breathing and I think you're doing it just fine. I found that the harder I try to breathe correctly the less I am able to breathe LOL. Maybe you should practice exhaling slowly and completely and noticing your stomach push back in before taking in another breath. I find this sometimes helps me to get a fuller breath next time.

I have the very same experience.

I find it helpful to switch between a conscious modification of my breathing and simply forgetting about how I breathe. This prevents me from going into a 'forced breathing' state where I drive myself into a chain of trying to breathe deeper and deeper -- which is unnatural and harmful. Eventually this would be a self defeating process as I would exhaust myself out from attempting to force breathe into my stomach or forcing the expansion.

Try this:5 minutes of conscious practice where you relax and allow the natural course of breathing to take place, but at intervals just guide your breathing into the correct state (abdominally), and then in the next five minutes completely forget about it and concentrate on something else- you might try practicing blinking in that time. And keep in mind that you shouldn't be putting in unnecessary effort; I think it is true that effort is needed for anything to be accomplished, but it is the strained effort on TOP of the natural effort that Bates calls incorrect.

Quote:Am I breathing correctly or doing anything wrong?

Like Jason said, it is most likely due to improper blinking habits rather than breathing. Having said that, all strain is harmful and dry eyes can be caused by any kind of tension, i.e. releasing it by proper natural breathing of course will benefit any strained condition (dry eyes). Additionally as suggested, a perfect memory or perfect imagination, which can be used to stimulate perfect relaxation, will eliminate the defect. In the following posts is an excerpt from Thomas R. Quackenbush's book, 'Relearning to See', it's basically a nice guide to blinking correctly. I think you might find it useful.

Re: Abdominal breathing questions - Kazekage - 07-01-2007


The three habits of natural seeing are Sketching (Shifting), Breathing, and Blinking.


When most I wink,then do mine eyes best see.

-William Shakespeare, Sonnet No. 43

The third habit of natural vision is blinking.


The eyelids, our "natural windshield wipers," sweep away particles that enter the eye and protect the eye from external injury and excessive light. Each eyelid has two or three two of eyelashes,which help prevent dust particles from entering the eye. The eyebrows divert perspiration, rain, and other particles from the forehead out toward the temples away from the eyes.


The upper eyelid closes by contraction of the orbicularis palpebrae muscle, which encircles the front of thee eye, and by the relaxation and lengthening of the levator palpebrae superioris muscle. The upper eyelid opens by the opposite actions.

The lower eyelid, which has a smaller range of movement than the upper eyelid, closes by the contraction of the obicularis palpebrae muscle, it opens by the opposite action.

The upper eyelid is opened by the contraction of the levator palpebrae superioris muscle (from the Latin levator, meaning "to raise," and palpabra, meaning "eyelid). The levator palpebrae superioris muscle is located above the superior oblique and superior rectus muscles. The front part inserts into the upper eyelid, and the rear part attaches to the back of the eye orbit.

Blinking is the action of quickly and easily lowering and raising the eyelids. Like sketching and breathing, blinking is normally done unconsciously but can also be done consciously.


Piosis is a drooping of the upper eyelid. Piosis can be caused by deficient development, or paralysis, of the levator palpabrae superioris muscle. In both cases, this muscle is unable to contract sufficiently to raise the upper eyelid to iits normal position.


The lacrimal gland (from the Latin lachrima, meaning "tear") is located above the eye, toward the temple, underneath the eyebrow ridge, and between the eyeball and the eye socket. this almond size, sponge-like gland is controlled by the parasympathetic part of the automatic nervous system and continually produce aqueous (watery) lacrimal tears. Tears are delivered to the front of the eye by the six to twelve lacrimal ducts.

Lacrimal tears are slightly alkaline, containing sodium chloride (salt) and proteins. Tears provide moisture to the eyes and remove dust and particles of dirt. They also contain oxygen  and other nutrients for the cornea.

In addition to cleansing the eye, tears contain antibacterial protein called lysozyme. This powerful enzyme protects the eye from infections by dissolving the protective outer coats of harmful bacteria. Without lysozyme in the tears, micro-organisms would grow on the cornea and infections could occur on the eye.

Located inside the eyelids are about thirty schaceous glands (Meihomian and Zeis glands), which secrete an oily lubrication, called sebum. Sebum coats the eye and the eyelids, providing lubrication between them, and prevents the watery lacrimal tears from running over the edges of the eyelids onto the cheeks.

Together, the lacrimal and sebaceous glands create three different layers of tears over the eye:

1. The layer of tears closest to the cornea, sclera, and eyelid is composed of mucous proteins. It coats the eye evenly and allows the second, watery layer of tears to easily adhere to the eye.

2. The middle watery layer, provided by the lacrimal glands, is the cleansing and nutrient layer. It washes away foreign particles and supplies the cornea with proteins, salt, and moisture.

3. The third outer layer is oily. It helps prevent the middle watery layer from evaporating too rapidly and provides lubrication between the eye and the eyelids.

These three layers of tears also help keep the front of the eye warm in cold weather.


A thin transparent membrane called the conjuctiva (shown in green) extends along the inner surfaces of both eyelids, over the front portion of the sclera, and over the cornea. The conjunctiva forms a barrier, called the fornix conjuntiva, which prevents tears and particles from traveling into the back of the eye orbit. Without the conjuntiva, water could flow into the back of the eye socket when you are swimming!

The conjunctiva is extremely sensitive to pain, and one learns quickly never to allow an object to touch the eye - our most important sensory organ. A grain of sand in the eye is immediately flooded with copious tears and expelled out and over the lower eyelid onto the cheek.

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva.


During blinking, the eyelids pump tears out of the lacrimal glands via the lacrimal ducts into the upper outer corner (fornix) of the conjuctiva. The tears cleanse, moisten, and disinfect the cornea, scelra, and conjuctiva as they travel toward the lower, inner corner of the eye. Some tears evaporate during this process.


Excess tears drain from the eye through two small orifices at the inner corners of both eyelids. These two minute openings, called lacrimal puncta, can often be seen by close inspection in a mirror. The lacrimal puncta glide along the sclera collecting tears into the lacrimal sac. By means of pumping action during blinking and a suction action by the nose, excess tears drain from the lacrimal sac down through the nasolacrimal duct into the nasal cavity, where they evaporate due to respiration.


The small, round, pinkish fold of tissue at the inner corner of the human eye is called the lacrimal caruncle. Some consider tis to be the remainder of an old nictitans, a third eyelid. Many nocturnal birds and some reptiles have a nictitans, which is discussed further in Chapter 17, "The Retina."


Insufficient tearing from the lacrimal glands, overly rapid evaporation of due to wind, or excessive heat can create dryness in eyes. This can result in a burning sensation, oversensitivity to light (photophobia), mucous discharge, corneal changes, and impairment of vision.

Many people have dry eyes due to not blinking frequently enough. Some estimate over six million Americans have chronically dry eyes. Many natural vision students have eliminated dry eyes simply by relearning correct blinking. Many have also lowered their sensitivity to light, and have been able to discard their sunglasses completely. They now feel relaxed in sunlight by simply blinking softly and frequently.

In strong wind or dry weather condition it is important to blink more frequently to prevent the eyes from drying out due to rapid evaporation of tears.

Dry eyes can also be caused by undesirable effects from medication or diseases.


Moist, protective tear layers are essential for the health of the eyes. However, one might question whether artificial tears are a help or detriment if used on a long-term basis. Does continuous use of artificial tears suppress the normal production of natural tears, thus creating more of a dependence on normal tears? Are the artificial tears truly an adequate replacement for natural tears?

Artificial tears may be needed for a short time in acute problems. Again, consult with your eye doctor for any serious eye problems.


The tears live in an onion that should water this sorrow.

-William Shakespeare

Lael Wetenbaker, in The Eye Window to the World, writes:

"While all animals that live in air produce tears to keep the eye moist, man is the only animal that weeps. In 1957, intrigued by the dual purpose of crying, chemist Robert Brunish analyzed the ingredients of emotional and irritant tears. tears induced by onion fumes and strong wind, he discovered, contained a lower concentration of the protein albumin. In the 1970s, biochemist William Frey began investigations into whether this protein was related to the chemical changes in our blood stream caused by stress. Tears might well play a role in filtering out the body's stressful chemicals. The machismo ethic of suppressing tears, Frey thinks, might irritate peptic ulcers and other stress-related diseases. By not allowing himself to weep; the strong, silent male might not take advantage of natural relief."

Fritz Kahn, in Man in Structure and Function, writes about crying:

All higher animals produce tear fluid to irrigate the cornea, but only man cries as an expression of emotional disturbance. Only a thinking and emotionally sensitive person cries. An infant yells, but it does not cry. Children cry when they learn to think and to feel. Crying is a process connected with speech; it is a substitute for speech; a protective mechanism whereby  a speaking individual can still express his feeling even though he may be prevented from speaking. People... cry when they are unable to make themselves heard or to obtain justice with the weapons of speech and though. When it has achieved nothing by means of logic, a speaking creature appeals to sympathy by crying. Crying is a reflex which has extended its field of action from the physiological to the moral realm - it is a new phenomenon in the developmental history of life."

Re: Abdominal breathing questions - Kazekage - 07-01-2007


From Bates' "Fundamentals" card:

"The normal eye blinks, or closes and opens very frequently.

By moving the head and eyes a short distance from side to side, being sure to blink, one can imagine stationary object to be moving."

Better Eyesight
magazine, April 1922: "Rest your eyes continually by blinking, which means to open and close them so rapidly that one appears to see things continuously."

Blinking is a rest for the eyes. Normal sight is based on relaxation.

Better Eyesight
magazine September 1923:


Usually unconsciously the normal eye closes and opens quite frequently and at irregular intervals and for very short spaces of time. Most people can demonstrate that when they regard a letter that they are able to see quite clearly it is possible for them to consciously close their eyes and  open them quick enough and see the letter continuously. This is called Blinking and it is only another name for dodging. Dodging what? Dodging the harmful tendency to look steadily at things all the time. All the methods which have been recommended for the improvement of the vision... centralizing, palming, swinging, blinking, can all be grouped under the one word - dodging. "

As with many other aspects of natural health, natural vision is based on continuous, easy movements. Here Bates refers to this constant movement as dodging.

When relearning normal blinking, some students think that during the blink, they will not be able to see an object of interest continuously. This is not true. The period of time for a normal blink is very short.

Better Eyesight
Magazine, November 1923:


The normal eye when it has normal sight blinks quite frequently. By blinking is meant closing the eyelids and opening them so quickly that neither the student nor his observers notice the fact... Blinking is necessary in order to maintain normal vision continuously, because if one consciously prevents blinking, the vision for the distance or the ability to read fine print are modified. It is interesting to me how blinking, which is so necessary for good vision, has been so universally ignored by the writers of books on diseases of the eyes. Blinking is a rest, it prevents fatigue, and very important, it improves the sight in myopia, and helps to maintain good vision more continuously."

Blinking, when done properly, is so quick and easy people with normal sight do not usually notice they are blinking.

Better Eyesight Magazine, January 1924: In a remarkable article entitled "My Young Assistant," Emily C. Lierman (who later married Dr. Bates) writes about a three-year-old girl named Ethel, who was giving a man vision lessons.

"Ethel complained, "You are staring. You shouldn't stare, that is bad...You must blink your eyes. Just let me show you how." Ethel has perfect sight. Her eyes are never still and she blinks unconsciously all day long."

Better Eyesight Magazine, February 1924:

"Question: What one method of improving sight is best?

Answer: Swinging and blinking."

- <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... stion_mark</a><!-- m -->

Better Eyesight Magazine, March 1924:

"BLINKING AND RESTING THE EYES.—By blinking is meant frequent closing of the eyes.. It is usually done so rapidly that it is not conspicuous. Many persons with normal sight have the illusion that they do not blink. They believe their eyes are always at rest and that their eyes are continually open all the time. When their attention is called to the facts it is usually readily demonstrated with persons with normal vision. In one case the patient was able to distinguish a small letter on the bottom line at twenty feet, 20/10. He was positive that he saw the letter, continuously. It was found by observing the movements of his eyes that he did two things. First: He closed and opened his eyes frequently, without being conscious of the fact. Secondly: He looked some distance away from the letter and back again and did it so quickly that he was not aware that he did it. The facts can also be demonstrated, perhaps more accurately, with the,help of moving pictures. In all cases where the sight was normal, blinking occurred almost every second. In some seconds the eyes were opened and closed five times. Blinking occurs more frequently with the normal eye when the light is imperfect or when the conditions are unfavorable for perfect sight. When the light is good or the conditions most favorable for good sight, blinking occurs at less frequent intervals. Persons with imperfect sight do not rest their eyes as often as those with normal vision. When they are encouraged to blink more frequently their sight usually improves."

Better Eyesight Magazine, June 1924. Article by Emily C. Lierman:

"Although weary and tired, after I had worked with Lewis for over two hours, I was repaid a thousandfold when he read every letter of the 70 line and the 50 line as he moved the... [reading] card slowly from side to side... blinking all the time. he was instructed to stand and swing his body from side to side to lessen the tension of his body; and also to blink his eye all the time to stop staring... On his second visit he read the smallest letters on the card, the 10 line...."

Better Eyesight Magazine, July 1924. Article submitted by Natural Vision teacher Dr. Edith T. Fisher, M.D., referring to one of her students:

"I explained to him that by making an effort to relax he was increasing the strain. While he was talking I noticed that he had not blinked. His forehead was deeply wrinkled and there was a constant twitching of the facial muscles... First I explained about blinking, but when he tried this he contracted all the facial muscles... [After palming] I reminded him to blink, and though he did not contract all his facial muscles it was still a great effort for him. He said, "I don't tink I ever blinked before"... Three days later... his vision had improved...He blinked easily now, but still stared at times."

TOM'S PERSONAL LOG: I had so much tightness in my eyelids that it was impossible for me to blink easily and naturally in the beginning. I was only able to blink hard. It has taken me many years to re-establish soft eyelids and blinking.

Better Eyesight Magazine, August 1924. Emily Lierman writes about one of her patients:

"As Frederick answered my questions he looked directly at me and... I noticed he listened without blinking, for more than two minutes or longer. As the normal eye blinks unconsciously every few seconds I soon realized what his trouble was..."

The habits of poor vision are usually never thought about by persons with poor sight. Both the correct and incorrect habits of vision are primarily subconscious. It takes time to form poor blinking habits. It also takes time to re-establish proper blinking habits.

Better Eyesight Magazine, August 1924: "BLINKING. Normal eyes blink constantly."

Better Eyesight
Magazine, January 1925. Article by Emily Lierman:

"At one time a young man.. came to us suffering from severe mental strain. is large staring eyes would make anyone uncomfortable... His eyes protruded and he stared without blinking...." - <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... tm#stories</a><!-- m -->

Better Eyesight
Magazine, March 1925:

"Blinking is done quickly, and not slowly like a wink... Blink consciously, whenever possible, especially when reading." - <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... #questions</a><!-- m -->

In spite of Shakespeare's words quoted at the beginning of this chapter, winking is not the same as blinking. Winking is usually done consciously with one eyelid. it is not a natural vision habit and should not be confused with normal blinking, which is (usually) subconscious and relaxed. Better Eyesight Magazine, December 1925:

"Blinking is necessary to maintain normal vision in the normal eye. When blinking is prevented the eyes become tired, and the vision very soon becomes worse. Some persons, without knowing it, will blink five times in one second, as demonstrated by the [motion] camera. When blinking they may fail to obtain relaxation, because they too often blink with an effort... blinking is done easily without effort. Blinking is very important. It is not the brief periods of rest from closing the eyes which helps te sight so much, as the shifting or movements of the yes. it should be repeatedly demonstrated that the eyes are only at a rest when they are shifting."

Here Bates emphasized the connection between the important principle of movement and the habit of blinking. A student might at first guess that the less movement one has, the less tired he will become. In regards to vision, the opposite is true. the eyes are designed for movements. Rigid staring lowers sight. Staring is almost always associated with infrequent blinking and shallow breathing.

When a student begins to understand how the principles of normal sight all support each other, he is will on the path of success.

At the beginning, blinking is often done with an effort by many students. The eyelid muscles are relatively tense due to locking the eyelids open for long periods of time and du to the harmful habit of squinting. with practice, proper blinking become easy and automatic once again.

Better Eyesight Magazine, August 1927:

"The normal eye with normal sight blinks frequently easily and rapidly, without effort or strain. If children do not blink frequently, but stare and try to see things with the eyes open continuously, the vision is always impaired. At first the child should be reminded to blink consciously but it soon becomes an unconscious habit and the vision is improved.

Here Bates links blinking to the principle of relaxation. The three vision habits are to be practiced easily - without any effort.

Better Eyesight
Magazine, August 1927:

"Question: I have found blinking and shifting to be of great benefit to me but, although I have been practicing both for six months, it has not become a habit. I still have to practice both consciously. What means can I use to blink and shift normally?

Answer: Continue to consciously practice blinking and shifting until you acquire the unconscious habit. It is merely a substitute of a good habit for a bad one."

Better Eyesight Magazine, September 1927: "To use your eyes correctly all day long, it is necessary that you: 1. Blink frequently...."

It is interesting that in his later years, Bates' summaries of proper habits place the blinking habit first. Perhaps this is because blinking is the simplest habit.

Better Eyesight Magazine, October 1927: "The normal eye blinks quickly, easily and frequently."

In Better Eyesight Magazine, December 1927, Bates connects the habit of blinking to the health of the whole person:

"IT can always be demonstrated that when a student with imperfect sight looks intently at one point, keeping the eyes open constantly, or trying to do so, that a strain of the eyes and all the nerves of the body is usually felt, and the vision becomes imperfect.It is impossible to keep the eyes open continuously without blinking. Each time the eyes blink, a certain amount of rest is obtained and the vision is benefited. For this reason, the student is instructed to blink frequently while swaying... and at all other times... The importance of practicing certain parts of the routine habits at all times, such as blinking... is stressed."

Better Eyesight Magazine, February 1928. Article by Emily Lierman:

"To begin with, he blinked too fast, which is as [incorrect] as not blinking at all. When... students acquire the habit of blinking too fast, they are very apt to stare while they blink... I had emphasized that he must not snap his eyes shut nor open them too quickly... This new way of teaching him to blink without blinking too fast helped him.... to blink one blink at a time, instead of blinking rapidly with a nervous twitch..."

Better Eyesight Magazine, April 1928:

"Question: I notice that my [strabismic] eye does straighten after palming, but reverts when I stop. How can I tell when and how I strain?

Answer: Avoid staring after palming, and blink all the time. You can demonstrate that staring is a strain by consciously doing it for a few seconds...

Question: How can one overcome the stare if it is unconscious?

Answer: Blink consciously, whenever possible, especially when reading. Never look at an object for more than a few seconds. Shift...

Question: By blinking do you mean shutting and opening the eyes quickly, or is it done slowly like a wink?

Answer: Blinking is done quickly, and not slowly like a wink. Watch someone with perfect sight do this unconsciously, and follow his example.

Practicing frequent blinking helps to break the staring habit."


Normal, natural blinking occurs approximately every two to four seconds (fifteen to thirty blinks per minute) on the average. The duration of a blink, i.e., the time between closing and opening the eyelids is very short - about 1/40 of a second. And, of course, blinking should be done very softly.

Re: Abdominal breathing questions - Kazekage - 07-01-2007


Normal blinking is automatic, rhythmical, soft, casual, easy and light - like the wings of a butterfly, i.e., without effort. The upper eyelid should come down completely and touch the lower eyelid during blinking. Watch the blinking habits of people who have normal sight.

Blink as you shift your attention from one object to another, and from one part of an object to another part. Blink when you shift your attention from far to near.

Frequent, soft blinking is meant to be a subconscious habit. Therefore it must be practiced consciously until it is a subconscious habit again.People with normal vision do not know they blink frequently - it is automatic. As one of my apprentices said, "Practice makes permanent."

Remember the staring contest in grade school, where we challenged our classmate to "Make me blink!"? Those with the strongest corrective lenses usually win the contest. Besides, "Tough guys don't blink."

As mentioned above, blinking encourages shifting of our attention form one point to another. The theme of one of the earlier Bates teachers was "shift and blink." Blinking aids in the mobility of the eyes, and helps prevent staring.

Gesell, in his book Vision: In Development in Infant and Child, referring to a twenty-week old infant, states, "Intent fixation dissolves with a flash release, often accompanied by blinking..."

Blinking is a free "massage" for the eyes all day long. Blinking also encourages important micro-movements of the extrinsic eye muscles.

Lymphatic fluid around the eyes increases its circulation by blinking.

It is important to have correct blinking habits during computer work. Blinking is far less frequent for those who experience eyestrain during computer work.

Many people do not blink enough while reading books.

Humans are the only creature on this planet who squint and strain with effort to see. Animals do not squint, even in the brightest sunlight.

When you are thinking about a problem, and seeing objects around you is not essential, close your eyelids. Do not lock your eyelids open for long periods of time as this creates a strain.

Ever see a fish blink? No, because fish have no eyelids! The water automatically cleanses their eyes. The eyes of fish are open while they sleep.

Some programs incorrectly teach students exercises in which they are instructed to hold their eyelids open for long periods of time. This is harmful. Blinking frequently is normal and essential for natural clear vision. In one program, the student is repeatedly told to keep his head still. While performing five different eye exercises he did not blink for 39, 82, 41, 40,  and 41 seconds.

An apprentice of mine, a yoga teacher, read in a book to first practice not blinking for thirty seconds, and then to "build up" to thirty minutes! She had serious vision problems.

Nearsights tend not to blink for long periods of time when their attention is in the far distance.

Farsights tend not to blink for long periods of time while reading or doing other activities up close.

A person who does not blink looks blank!

Sometimes students see more clearly during or just after yawning. Yawning can create excess tears on the cornea and create a pseudo-contact lens effect. The same effect is often experienced when taking a shower. Usually this clearer vision will disappear within one or two more blinks because the excess tears or water are swept away. Improved sight can also be due to the relaxation provided by yawning.

Oftentimes, a person will have infrequent or no blinking when staring, fatigued, or breathing shallowly. The eyelids become tens and locked. Everything becomes immobile. Immobility is the problem; circulation is the solution.

Contact lenses can interfere with normal blinking due to irritation of the eyelids while passing over the edges of the contact lens. Some contact lens wearers blink much less than normal.

Some meditation techniques confuse the stilling of the mind with rigidly stilling the body - including the eyes and eyelids. Some yoga books suggest staring fixedly at the flame of a candle - without moving the eyes and without blinking. This is very harmful to eye-sight. One of my students who followed such instructions could not understand why his vision was not improving.

One yoga book states "Vision has to be fixed at the tip of the nose without winking the eyelids." This is a strain, is is turning the eyes upward and/or inward in a fixed position. This are all contrary to Bates' principles and habits of normal vision.


In regards to someone who is giving a speech on TV, ones study suggests that a relatively high blinking rate (48-67blinks per minute) indicates the speaker is more nervous, edgy, anxious, or stressed. This study also suggests that a relatively low blinking rate (7-11 blinks per minute) indicates the speaker is enjoying pleasant feels, feels "in control" or "extraordinarily confident," and has a higher comfort level. This is contrary to Bates' findings on blinking also.

Many actors and actresses on TV have very low rates of blinking. Many actors and actresses in the US are trained not to blink while performing on television. A normal (not average!) rate is associated with higher anxiety. Even some TV news broadcasters are told not to blink too frequently when reporting the news.

There is a popular space travel series on TV in which many of the actors do not blink for extremely long periods of time. With the high number of hours Americans watch TV, one may be concerned about the harmful influence of infrequent blinking habits on the viewers, especially children.


An excellent way to enjoy this story is to have someone read it to you while palming with closed eyelids.

Pretend you are sitting in a comfortable chair in a beautiful meadow, while the sunshine gently warms your skin. A beautiful indecent-winged butterfly floats softly over your shoulder and out in front of you. This magnificent butterfly is so light, it seems as if it is part of the air itself. The butterfly wings sparkle from the sunshine as it floats to the right, and then to the left. Returning to the center, our butterfly puts down one toe and spins around in the air like a ballerina.

The butterfly then floats slowly out into the distance, over an ocean of flowers. Five feet out it floats; ten feet and fifteen feet. Notice ow the wind creates waves over all of the colorful flowers. At about twenty feet,, the butterfly notices a single, large, snow-white rose in the center of the filed of flowers.

As the butterfly floats around the rose, it becomes intoxicated by its wonderful fragrance. Finally, the butterfly lands softly in the center of the white rose. As we brush the butterfly's soft wings, they remind us of how soft the eyelids are as we blink frequently all day long.

The wings open and close every two or three seconds. This reminds us of the frequency of natural blinking.

After this story, stop palming and open your eyelids. Practice "butterfly blinking" while using your imaginary extending feather to brush objects around you. Remember abdominal breathing. Brush, Breathe, and Butterfly Blink!


Squinting is a conscious narrowing of the eyelids, forming a small horizontal slit. This narrowing of the eyelids blocks part of the peripheral light rays entering through the pupil. Although a person can often see better artificially,  squinting is a harmful habit. One Bates teacher refused to continue lessons with a student who kept using this type of "trick vision". A natural vision master never teaches squinting.

By the way, the word "squint" used here does not refer to the "squint" used by Bates and others in reference to strabismus. There is no connection between these two different usages of this word.

Better Eyesight Magazine, July 1917:

"Partly closing your eyes brings on a strain which increases your imperfect sight... it injures your eyes."

Better Eyesight Magazine, December 1917:

"Question: Why do some people see better by partly closing their eyes?

Answer: People with poor sight can see better [artificially] by partly closing their eyes, but when they have perfect sight, squinting makes it worse."

Squinting, in all its variations, always involves an effort, and therefore has nothing to do with seeing clearly naturally. Since effort to see always lowers natural sight, vision is worse after squinting.

It is also possible to see more clearly again by bending the head forward and downward, while raising the eyes. The narrow angle of light along the eyebrows, or eyebrow ridge, creates a partial pinhole effect. This is not only a harmful vision habit but creates a strain on the neck. Additionally, the eyes would be looking in the opposite direction (up) of the head direction (down). Do not do this.

Worse than the tension created in the eyelids, face, and neck by any type of squinting, is the mental harm. Vision is primarily a right hemisphere activity and is based on trust. People who squint do not trust their sight to be clear automatically and easily. Straining to see is a distrust of natural vision.


Many people with poor vision think it is impolite to blink when they talk with someone. Notice the similarity to believing it is impolite to move when talking with someone discussed in Chapter 9, "The First Principle - Movement."

One of my recent students stated that, in the past, when she had normal sight, she felt self-conscious blinking frequently (normally) when talking with people who did not blink frequently. As a result, she practiced blinking less, and her vision become blurred.


Similar to the poor vision habit of staring, many people with poor vision think that if they close their eyelids - even for a fraction of a second - they will not be protected from potential danger. Ironically, a person is less protected by not blinking frequently, since vision lowers with infrequently blinking.


Better Eyesight Magazine, May 1923:

"Question: I am practicing the methods in your book to reverse myopia and astigmatism. Sometimes, for short periods, I see perfectly, then things fade away. Can you explain this?

Answer: This is what we call getting flashes of perfect sight. With continued practice these flashes will come more frequently and eventually will be permanent."

Many students have flashes while improving their vision. In the beginning, flashes are usually brief moments of dramatically improved or even perfect sight. This can be quite startling - so startling that many student return immediately to incorrect vision habits - staring with non-movement and diffusion, stopping breathing, and stopping blinking. The student thinks that if he remains still enough, she can keep, or "lock onto," this clearer vision. The student should continue normal blinking when she has a flash.

Students are very happy when they have a long flash, and it remains clearer even while blinking.

Squeezing the eyelids very tight can also create a flash for some students, but it is an incorrect habit. A student should never associate any type of strain with his vision.

Not all students have flashes; for some, the external eye muscles let go slowly while improving vision.


Blinking is one of the keys to normal, clear vision. It should be apparent from this chapter that the simple habit of blinking is of great importance. Blink frequently and softly all day long. practice correct blinking until it becomes a subconscious habit - again."

Re: Abdominal breathing questions - apavel - 07-01-2007

A lot of times dry eyes are a sign of exhaustion.  For instance, if you stay up very late looking at the computer screen or reading a book - you may experience dry eyes.  In this case the "cure" is to get more sleep  Big Grin.  If you get dry eyes very frequently, you can also try palming while imagining a perfect black letter.

Another way to reduce the symptoms of dry eyes that seems work for some people is to shut your eyes very tightly and then open them.  Repeat this for a few times, and you'll find that your eyes get more watery.  Although when I try it, my eyes get more watery but it doesn't stay that way.  Give it a shot...


Re: Abdominal breathing questions - anonym - 07-01-2007

Hello, dear Kaze,

Many, many thanks for your posts in this topic that answered many questions I had about on tearing and blinking.

Now I am experiencing sustained improvement in near-vision by combining blinking with palming. It seems to me that when I imagine a perfect gently swinging halo’d “o� during palming that I am actually practicing central fixation with my eyes closed. Palming with imagination this way, my indoor near-vision has been gradually improving but not as quickly has I had hoped. In sunlight my near-vision has been A-OK since I first started practicing Bates Method, but seeing near clearly indoors has been a real conundrum.

However, this morning after reading your posts, I began practicing palming with imagination in a new way. Now, when I remove my hands, instead of just opening my eyes, I open my eyes with a blink. In other words, I do not try to look to see when I open my eyes, but instead simultaneously as I open my eyes, I blink and only try to remember to continue to blink. This produces always much improved clarity. Then alternating fast blinking with slow blinking, I experience continuously improving clarity. If I find myself losing clarity because I forgot to blink, I briefly close my eyes, imagine my perfect “o� and then again open my eyes with a quick blink and resuming remembering to blink. This restores the process of continuously improving clarity.

By remembering to blink as soon as I open my eyes, instead of trying to see, I actually see what I am looking at better. And everything indoors at further distance than near looks brighter, sharper in detail, richer in texture and perception of depth is much enhanced -- much more similar to the quality of my vision outdoors in sunlight.

Thanks again, Kaze, for your wonderfully helpful posts explaining the relationship between tearing and blinking. This information really clued me into the right way of practicing combining palming with blinking. Although I have been improving by practicing blinking with shifting, what Dr. Bates says that you pointed out, about blinking and palming, suddenly just clicked for me, like a clear flash in my brain.

Warm regards, Catherine

Re: Abdominal breathing questions - Otter - 07-01-2007

I have 2 questions

1.  How do you perform sketching?

2.  How does tracking(following a moving bug or object with your eye)  improve your eyesight?

Re: Abdominal breathing questions - Kazekage - 07-05-2007


Better Eyesight Magazine, January 1923

MANY patients with imperfect sight are benefited by breathing. One of the best methods is to separate the teeth while keeping the lips closed, breathe deeply as though one were yawning. When done properly one can feel the air cold as it passes through the nose and down the throat. This method of breathing secures a great amount of relaxation of the nose, throat, the body generally including the eyes and ears.

A man aged sixty-five, had imperfect sight for distance and was unable to read fine print without the aid of strong glasses. After practicing deep breathing in the manner described he became able at once to, read diamond type quite perfectly, as close as six inches from the eyes. The benefit was temporary but by repetition the improvement became more permanent.

At one time I experimented with a number of patients, first having them hold their breath and test their vision, which was usually lower when they did not breathe. They became able to demonstrate that holding their breath was a strain and caused imperfect sight, double vision, dizziness and fatigue, while the deep breathing at once gave them relief.

There is a wrong way of breathing in which when the air is drawn into the lungs the nostrils contract. This is quite conspicuous among many cases of tuberculosis.

Some teachers of physical culture in their classes while encouraging deep breathing close their nostrils when drawing in a long breath. This is wrong because it produces a strain and imperfect sight. By consciously doing the wrong thing, breathing with a strain one becomes better able to practice the right way and obtain relaxation and better sight.

The habit of practicing frequently deep breathing one obtains a more permanent relaxation of the eyes with more constant good vision.

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Above is a short reference to breathing from Bates. ( I forgot to include this in my first reply).
