<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QZpAoUC_fg&feature=related">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QZpAoUC ... re=related</a><!-- m -->
I am just fresh from having my eye exam just last week, so this was very funny! There is truth in the fun, that sometimes
it can be hard to determine which lens is better a or b, b or c... LOL
I haven't posted in a long time, but last time I was talking about my corneal scar. It has healed considerably
from last year and my eye sight/astig improved !! Having said that, I do have to say that I think that I have
better vision than what the eye exam results showed. When I am reading the snellen at home, it is in a well
lit place, and for sure when I am in the 'dark room' I am definitely tensing my eyes..
The only thing I have been doing which I believe has helped improve my eyesight and scar is the Cayenne eyewash-- almost everyday.I read on the net just recently that Eyebright heals corneal scars, and that fired me up even more to continue with the Cayenne eyewash. It contains Bilberry, Bayberry, Goldenseal, Cayenne, Eyebright, Red Raspberry and Passion Flower. I make it on my own these days, to ensure potency and freshness. I add vodka to it and it becomes a tincture.
otis Wrote:The issue of this "exam" is that the potential "wisdom" of the person -- is NEVER consulted.
Your are rushed into a "chair".
There there is an immediate "demand" that you report "1 better, 2 better" -- and no review of Dr. Bates thesis (what ever you might think of it).
I can't say my own experience is quite congruent with yours, I'm afraid. An eye test is not an academic exam, it's a species of medical examination; and while I can't really imagine getting one for fun I've certainly had medical examinations that were considerably more disagreeable.
I'm not sure what wisdom of the patient the optometrist is supposed to consult. Their job is to find out how your visual aparatus is responding to a specific range of stimuli. Since you're the only person who can gauge what effect a particular lens is having on your sight, they have to ask you, "is this better?"
As for not explaining Bates' thesis: I'd be quite surprised if any optometrist was ever taught it. It seems probable to me that most will be unaware of its existence, or will only have come across the Bates method in the context of its being dismissed by teachers and peers. I wouldn't expect to hear of the Bates method from an optometrist any more than I would expect a 16th-century plague doctor to tell me about antibiotics.
Long term stress and strain on the mind and body, as well as on the eyes, can have profound and long-lasting effects. I'm coming around to the idea that this may cause some kinds of visual disturbance--that's a reasonable concept--and may well have played a part in my own case. And I can certainly see how the relatively bizarre and unfamiliar environs of the optometrist's office might produce some species of stress or strain, and this in turn might possibly affect the eyes to some small degree.
I can't think, though, of a way in which the experience could ever be traumatic enough to have a permanent negative effect on the vision. My own eye-tests have been relatively stress free (except perhaps that very first one).
Subject: What happend to Dr. Bates 1913 study, or sincere effort at true prevention?
I am a "curoius" person. I wanted to "find out" exactly what did happen. Thanks to the Internet, and i-blindness -- I can "find out".
I wanted to know if Bates was "right" or "wrong". But no one seems prepared for that either/or examination. Does that make me "wrong" for asking?
But let me respond to your "thoughts" on the matter:
Mordant> As for not explaining Bates' thesis: I'd be quite surprised if any optometrist was ever taught it. It seems probable to me that most will be unaware of its existence, or will only have come across the Bates method in the context of its being dismissed by teachers and peers.
Otis> Good point. Who are your peers. WHo ar "my peers". I am an Engineer, my peers are engineers who happen to agree that prevention is possible.
Otis> No "official" OD journal will "accept" our scientific articles and publications. I think I-blindness can help with that problem -- whatever you might think of Dr. Bates efforts to prevent.
I wouldn't expect to hear of the Bates method from an optometrist any more than I would expect a 16th-century plague doctor to tell me about antibiotics.
Otis> This is indeed close to the "total truth" of antipathy towards ANYTHING that attacks the "status quo" of the "accepted" Helmholtz theory -- that Bates so totally challenged.
That is why I post on i-blindness -- to help you support yourself and others with this truly difficult scientific "fight". Best, Otis
I agree that eye exams are stressful as they go too quickly. The eye doctors don't care about how you reach your response, as long as you answer the questions. This is probably one reason why optometrists don't mind moving through the exam fast- they don't believe you should see differently if you make a quick glance at the Snellen chart compared to relaxing and allowing your eyes to adjust to the eye chart. A big benefit of practicing with the Snellen at home is that you can take your time and use the eye chart as an indicator not a test.