Interesting, my computer volume was muted when I clicked on this link. I found myself watching how much his eyes moved. Then when he put on his thick old glasses, his eyes "froze."
It brought home for me the way nothing else has how little those of us with severe myopia move our eyes. Mine are just beginning to lose their stiffness and move around a bit more naturally. It feels good! Have others of you felt this change?
I had never heard about Bates Method until I saw the Marsh video in a newsletter. The Marsh presentation was intriguing but I was skeptical about shelling out the ââ∠âjustâââ¬ï¿½ $149 as advertised. Mr. Marsh claims to have already sold 2000 copies at $379, i.e., he has already made $758,000 re-packaging the Bates Method.
I can understand how someone would want to earn a living as a Bates Method teacher. On the other hand, Mr. Marsh is making himself a millionaire by marketing the scientific achievement and lifeâââ‰â¢s work of Dr. Bates, who cured the vision of thousands of patients whom he treated for FREE, while knee-jerk crediting Dr. Bates only in passing. And, Marsh's ad says that his ââ∠âBates Method approach is interwoven with his own holistic-centered background.âââ¬ï¿½ He does offer Dr. Batesâââ‰â¢ book already in the public-domain on the internet as a ââ∠âbonusâââ¬ï¿½ if you are willing to spend $149.
I google-searched ââ∠âBatesâââ¬ï¿½ and found and I already had everything I need -- my own eyes -- to practice straight-up original unadulterated Bates Method for free. And comes with the ââ∠âbonusâââ¬ï¿½ of a supportive community that includes people who inform and assist everyone with the same generosity of spirit that was the hallmark of Dr. Batesâââ‰â¢ own practice.
As Otis would say, ââ∠âjust one (wo)manâââ‰â¢s opinionâââ¬ï¿½. In this case, Catherineâââ‰â¢s.
I wish they had more videos than that. Hopefully you don't have to be like him after curing bad eyesight with his type of blinking and eye behavior... :-\
Mzero Wrote:I wish they had more videos than that. Hopefully you don't have to be like him after curing bad eyesight with his type of blinking and eye behavior... :-\
I kind of agree, I think he blinks a little too much.
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Totally hilarious and weird! I don't have a clue what that language is, though.
WHOA LOL was cool! I heard them say "Dr. Bates." I don't know what the language is either...but it's good to know that the Bates method is widely known!
Also Kaze, what did you think of Greg Marsh's eye habits? I didn't think they were too awkward, but I think he blinked a little more than some people with normal vision. But still, I've seen people with normal vision blink a lot while talking.
I would not make fun of Greg Marsh, who recovered his vision, if I were you. I watched his video again, and I do not think he ââ∠âblinks too much,âââ¬ï¿½ but rather that he blinks as a person with normal eyesight. Just because thereâââ‰â¢s a cultural prejudice against blinking is not going to stop me from relearning how to blink naturally because I want to recover my normal vision, too.
In his short, choppily cut video ad, Mr. Marsh make more references to Dr. Bates than he does in his webpage advertisement. However, I think he does not explain the Bates theory of vision very well. I would have to buy his CDs, which I am not buying, and be better qualified than Mr. Marsh, which I am not, before I would attempt to critique his presentation of Bates Method.
Mr. Marshâââ‰â¢s ad and video has probably turned on to Bates Method a lot of people like me who donâââ‰â¢t buy his product. I never would have searched for and found freely available and authentic Bates Method resources if I had not happened to stumble on Greg Marshâââ‰â¢s ad and video. I just think he charges too much for his CDs. To attack him because ââ∠âblinks too muchâââ¬ï¿½ is just a stupid thing to say about the man. Maybe you should ask Santa Claus for the set of Marsh CDs for Christmas.
By the way, the other linked video in this topic is Hungarian.
He didn't seem to blink too much to me, his eyes do seem to bulge, though. I wonder if that is because he has his eyes relaxed and open wide. When we strain, we squint. In one exercise I read to improve vision, you look at newspaper print, cut out and glued onto a black square. You move the print away from you until it gets blurry, close your eyes, relax them, then open them wide. You should be able to progressively move the paper further and further away. When you can read at arms lenght, put on reading glasses. Once you get to the strongest strength of reading glasses and can read it at arms lenght, you should have 1=20/20. I haven't actually tried it, takes too much time. At least 15-20 minutes three times a day. I prefer going for a walk and relaxing my eyes that way.
One trend I have noticed of those who attend this board, we all like to go for a walk and tend to practice whole-body relaxation. Interesting.
Ha, I was quite horrified in fact when I first watched those videos. They are an absolute joke performed by a tired and depressed looking woman who knows essentially nothing of rest, relaxation and of comfort, or of the rest methods. The way she swings is just wrong in every way imaginable. I doubt even that she has attained much benefit, from the way she uses her eyes. Bates said we should remember rest, relaxation and comfort incessantly all day long until one is cured! How can a person expect to make progress in the stiff and uncomfortable way this woman behaves.
Look at the way she stares and fixates without natural shifting, it's quite jerky the way she does it. And the real irony here is that she has great black edemas underneath her eyes - this is a very telling sign that she hasn't learnt to rest or to see effortlessly.
What's more crazy is that she does these strange exercises, I think they are called 'clock rotation'. These is just downright plain stupidity; what is this woman doing and wasting her time with; I am made nauseous when I came across that part in the recording.
No doubt this woman is able to talk plenty of the Bates method; describe what it's about for a very long time and blather on about it, but it seems to me she has not yet taken in a single word of what Bates was actually talking about. If I were to be very harsh I can only describe her as a pitiful failure of failures.
These videos is beneficial to those who watch it; not because we can follow in her tracks but because we can learn to not do what she is doing! Actually it made me start to strain just LOOKING at that old woman's face constantly staring and with effort. Imperfect sight is contagious; and watching this video has made me understand more of why this statement is so. We imitate the actions and behaviour of those around us, whether knowingly or unknowingly.
By the way, the first posted video performed by the man who tells us about the Bates system which he himself doesn't understand a strand of, now that one is also very wrong! The way he blinks is totally unnatural, and even slightly unnerving and scary to see. It looks like the guy was forcing his blinks, not the correct way at all. I have heard that this sort of blinking is really frequently found and associated with those who have undergone the destructive laser surgery treatment. Probably this man is one of such people; but now claims he is 'cured'!