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Part 4: Beliefs

You won’t see much improvement in your vision if you wish and wish and wish, or if you feed yourself instructions and hope that they become etched in your mind and you finally “get through” to yourself or whatever magical process you think is going to make it “click” and make you see better.

Your subconscious mind doesn’t take verbal instruction. Wrong language. Visualization, emotion and body language (or what you actually do) it understands. It doesn’t understand time. Everything is now. So wishing something for “the future” is self-defeating, because it will always remain in the future.

This means you have to believe you can already see what you’re looking at. This sends a clear, unmistakable message. Because what does that mean as far as what you do? If you hold that belief, you don’t struggle, you stop straining your eyes, you aren’t frustrated, you don’t care about blur, and you look for the details that you believe are already available to you.

What you believe to be true in your experience is true. To change the physical effect you must change the original belief — while being quite aware that for a time physical materializations of the old beliefs may still hold.
— Seth, The Nature of Personal Reality, page 72

When you find yourself saying to someone else or to yourself, “My vision is bad,” or “I can’t see,” stop yourself and change it. You’re expressing your beliefs, and when your beliefs are in conflict with each other you will only suffer. Perhaps instead say, “My vision is getting better.” It doesn’t matter if people believe you. It’s about you, and what you have to do to change your reality.

In the past I ate up material like Wayne Dyer’s the Power of Intention and tons of Abraham/Hicks material including podcasts, the book The Law of Attraction and the film documentary The Secret.

But right now I’m in the middle of The Nature of Personal Reality. Nothing I have read compares to how powerfully and convincingly some concepts are illustrated in this book. When all your pertinent beliefs are in harmony with each other, nothing will stop you from achieving your goals. It was published in 1974, so at the time it was some of the leading material on the subject. Nobody else was writing about this stuff, not in this way.

Scientist and visionary Gregg Braden has a compelling explanation of how in practical terms the link between thoughts, emotions and feelings, and how to use it.

Youtube has some of Gregg Braden’s long lectures, but here’s a great interview on the subject:

Practical Application

Below is a summary of practical suggestions for applying the above ideas. The ideas and reasoning are more fully fleshed out above. Each of the suggestions are separate (this is not step-by-step) but may be combined as you see fit. They are also included in the Practical Applications page at the end of this guide.

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