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Fruits That Heal

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Fruits That Heal
Fruits That Heal

[Image: fruit.jpg]


Health is merely the absence of disease, but embraces mental, emotional and spiritual well being as well . Illness and infirmity is something that we all, at some time or other, experience in our lives. And how we respond to this indisposition varies. For some of us, rest might suffice. For others, a visit to the doctor or taking whatever medicine we have at hand in pursuit of a cure of comfort is what we do to console our ailing body or mind.

It is true that many people in our society are not sick, but they are not healthy either. They might not be suffering from any specific disease per se, but most of the time they feel listless, lethargic or just miserable. They lack vim and vigor. They are depressed. What is the cause? And what is the cure? Perhaps they eat the wrong foods and their diet lacks the nourishment needed for a healthful and vibrant existence. Yet they can feel wonderful again if they abandon bad eating habits, avoid harmful foods and eat healthful foods. Fresh fruit are amongst the most wonderful and healthful foods. They are food and medicine. They are products of Nature's own factory - pure, clean, unprocessed and their flesh untouched by man. They contain all the minerals and vitamins necessary and vital for healthy survival. In addition to fresh fruit, I strongly recommend avoidance of junk foods and the use of proper nutrition, exercise, positive thinking, and other natural methods.

As a practitioner of integrated medicine, I am not the one who lends towards the prescription of over -the-counter drugs or surgery at the first instant the patient consults me. I have a different approach. Eat Healthy! Discard bad eating habits and junk foods. Think positive! Always take into account natural therapies! This obviously does not negate the value and merit of allopathic medicine, which undoubtedly has a role to play.

Good nutrition is the path to a sound body and mind. For, obviously, it is without food that our children the world over suffer from life threatening diseases such as Marasmus and Kwashiorkor. Food heals. Food regenerates. Good food enhances the vibrancy of our cells, tissues, organs, nerves and blood vessels. Fresh fruit is healthy food and medicine. They are products of nature's own factory: pure, clean unprocessed and their unique constitution unattainable by man's scientific machinary. Fresh fruit boasts all the minerals and vitamins required for a vital and healthy survival.

Since I believe in promoting health by natural means, I have been accorded the opportunity to review this text on the nutritional and therapeutic benefits of fruit. What we eat, really affects the way we feel and function. This text aims to provide an easy-to-understand guide to selecting good quality fruit and using them to the advantage of one's health, wellness and well-being. Easy to read and follow, each listing in this text provides a brief description of the fruit, buyer's guide, and nutritional and therapeutic information, and you will find suggestions on how to even treat certain ailments using fruit! Be advised that these are only recommendations, not prescriptions to be followed rigidly. If in doubt, I urge you to first consult a health professional.

All the information in this text is based on research. However, because each person's constitution is unique, I urge the reader to check with a qualified health professional before using any fruit as a remedy for any ailment. Whilst I do not insist on the use of any particular diet for any particular ailment, the object of this text is to make available to the public information on the nutritional and therapeutic benefits of fruits.

It is my hope that this text guides you are your family towards healthy, disease-free living... through the decorous use of one of nature's greatest splendor... fruit!

Bon appetite


All about Vitamins

Vitamins and minerals are vital for our bodies to function correctly. Degenerative diseases, such as hardening of arteries, coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and many other diseases, have much to do with the problems of nutrition. We must therefore be certain our diet contains all of the elements so necessary for good health. These include minerals and vitamins.

What is a Vitamin?
A vitamin on its own is not food. If a person takes in only vitamins and no food, he would soon starve because they do not provide energy or build up worn-out tissues. Yet, without vitamins you cannot live. They play a vital role in all the important chemical reactions, carried on through enzymes. These enzymes form only when all the vitamins and minerals join in a highly complex way. If only one vitamin is absent, that enzyme will not form, and some important function of the body or the other, will not be carried out. This is why vitamins are so essential to health.

Where do Vitamins come from?

Vitamins come from plants and all fresh foods. Prolonged cooking, drying and exposure to sun and wind can destroy some of them, like vitamin C. Most vitamins come in pairs or group. If one is absent, other may also be missing. Here is a brief list of the major vitamins and what functions they do within the body:

Vitamin A (Retinol): It helps to keep the skin smooth and soft, the eyes bright and full of lustre so that we can see even in dim light. It aids in keeping the mucous membranes of the whole body healthy. It enhances normal growth of bones and teeth, particularly in children and young people. This vitamin helps build resistance against infections, and the formation of stones in the kidney and bladder. In its absence, a person suffers from night blindness, roughness and scaling of the skin and roughness of the mucous membranes. It can stunt  bone growth, cause tooth decay and dryness of the eyes.

Vitamin A comes from a chemical substance, carotene, found in all leafy vegetables, carrots, sweet potatoes, squash and pumpkins, apricots, peaches, avocados, and all types of melons. The body readily absorbs carotene and stores it in the liver where it changes into vitamin A for future use.

Vitamin B Complex: B complex vitamins are actually a family of more than a dozen of these vitamins. Working together, all of them are different and perform a wide variety of functions. Good sources of vitamin B complex are wheat, barley and rice, particularly the outer coverings. Polished rice and white flour are robbed of much of this vitamin because of the miller removing the husks of the rice and wheat.

Here are some vitamins belonging to the vitamin B complex family:

Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
: One of the most important vitamins, thiamine is vital in almost every chemical reaction within the body. Lack or absence of this vitamin leads to beriberi: symptoms are mental confusion, muscular weakness, swelling of the heart and leg cramps. Other disorders are improper function of the nervous system, digestive disturbances, anemia, and lack of appetite.

Best sources of vitamin B1 are whole-grain cereals, wheat germ, brewer's yeast, fresh fruits, eggs, vegetables, dried beans, peas and lentils. Thiamine is absent from most refined foods.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin): Riboflavin is vital for enzymes and to enable the body to use carbohydrates from foods. When there is no riboflavin in the diet, it leads to skin disorders such as sores around the nose and lips, the eyes become sensitive to light.

Best sources of vitamin B2 are milk, meat, peas, beans, lentils, whole-grain products, mushrooms and green leafy vegetables. This vitamin is easily lost when vegetable are overcooked or cooked with too much water.

Niacin: Also called nicotinic acid, this vitamin is important for healthy skin and for the central nervous system. In the absence of niacin, pellagra develops. A common symptom is the skin becoming rough and scaly. Its absence also leads to diarrhea, bouts of mental depression, insomnia, irritability, soreness in the tongue and a burning sensation in the mouth and throat.

Prevention is not difficult. A well balanced diet of milk, eggs, fruits, fresh green vegetables, and whole grains will usually provide sufficient niacin to maintain good health and prevent pellagra.

Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6)
: The main role of pyridoxine is metabolism of proteins, use of fats, and formation of red blood cells. When it is absent from the diet, young babies may develop convulsions. Adults suffer from cracks at mouth corners, smooth tongue, dizziness, anemia, and kidney stones. Pyridoxine is found in whole-grain cereals, bread, liver, avocados, spinach, green beans, bananas, yeast, legumes, and most fresh foods.

Cobalamin (Vitamin B12): This vitamin aids in formation of red blood cells and the smooth functioning of the nervous system. When it is absent the patient suffers from certain forms of anemia and degeneration of peripheral nerves. Symptoms are pain, tingling, numbness in the extremities, and partial paralysis. A well-balanced diet, inclusive of liver, kidney, meat, fish, eggs, milk, and oysters, usually provides ample vitamin B12.

Folacin (Folic Acid): It assists in the formation of body proteins and genetic material, and in the formation of red blood cells. When this vitamin is absent, it results in diarrhea. Good sources are liver, kidney, dark-green leafy vegetables, wheat-germ, and brewer's yeast.

Biotin: It is responsible for the formation of fatty acids and release of energy from carbohydrates. Its absence results in fatigue, depression, nausea, pain, and loss of appetite. It is found in egg yolk; liver; kidney; dark-green vegetables, and green beans.

Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid): Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, aids the body in the healing process, particularly if a person is suffering from some severe infection or prolonged illness. It also helps in the maintenance of healthy bones, teeth, and blood vessels. It also aids in the formation of collagen which supports body structure. It is anti-oxidant. Absence of vitamin C results in scurvy. Symptoms are bleeding around the gums, pain and looseness and falling out of the teeth. Wounds do not heal and the skin becomes rough, brown and dry. Sometimes pregnant women, nursing mothers, and people who live on restricted diets also suffer from scurvy.

Heat and bicarbonate of soda easily destroy vitamin C. The body cannot store vitamin C. Therefore it must be taken every day.

Artificial formulas like powdered milk lack in vitamin C. Therefore, babies should be given fresh orange juice each day to supplement this vitamin.

Best sources of vitamin C are all citrus fruits, tomatoes, avocados, strawberries, cantaloupe, and other fresh fruits in season. Most dark green vegetables, green pepper, potato, also contain vitamin C, provided it is not destroyed through overcooking.

Vitamin D (Calciferol): Vitamin D is needed in the building of strong, healthy bones. It maintains the right concentration of calcium and phosphorus in the body. This is particularly important in babies and young children whose bones are developing rapidly.

When vitamin D is absent from the diet, rickets develop in children. This is a serious bone deformity. The bones become soft and brittle and they bend easily. The joints lose their shape and they no longer function as they should. In adults, osteomalacia occurs. In this disease, the bones soften, deform and fracture easily. Vitamin D deficiency can also cause muscular twitching and spasms. Premature infants are very prone to having rickets. They must therefore be given adequate amounts of vitamin D.

Nowadays, irradiated milk, fortified with vitamin D, has greatly lowered the incidence of this disease. However, commercial products can never take the place of natural products. Besides, it can make a person ill because of over dosage.

Best sources of vitamin D are egg yolk, liver, tuna, salmon and cod-liver oil. Exposure to sunlight is also an excellent way of obtaining vitamin D. However, avoid too much sunlight, otherwise the skin may burn badly.

Vitamin E (Tocopherol): Vitamin E prevents oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Its absence causes mild damage to blood cells. It is found chiefly in whole-grain cereals, bread, wheat germ liver, dried beans, green vegetables, olive oil, coconut oil, and other vegetable oils.

Vitamin K: It is essential in the clotting of blood. When it is absent, prolonged bleeding and anemia may occur. Its absence may also cause hemorrhaging in newborns. This vitamin is abundant in milk and all green vegetables.

What about Vitamin Pills?

Should anyone take extra vitamin pills? Suffice to say that when people are healthy and strong, this is not necessary. Yes, they might be taken when a person is recovering from a severe illness or injury. It is best for the family doctor to decide whether extra vitamins are needed or not. Most people can get all the vitamins they need by taking a well-balanced diet, along with sufficient rest and exercise.

[Image: Green_Apple.summ.jpg]

For many years, naturals healers have used the apple as both, food and a medicine. In the sub-continent, apples are still used to relive gout, biliousness, skin problems, and nervous disorders.

There are many varieties of apples. If one variety is unpalatable for someone, he can almost always find another to suit his taste buds. In most developed countries, apples are available all year around, since there are summer and winter varieties of the fruit. Besides, cold storage facilities have made apples available throughout the year.

When buying apples, look for mature, firm, crisp apples. The colour should be attractive depending on the variety. To test for freshness and juice, thump them with the finger. If there is a hollow sound avoid them. They either do not have adequate amount of juice or are dry and puffy inside. They are not pleasant to eat and are of no benefit. Also, avoid fruit with punctures, bruises, brown colouring, and softness.

According to Unani medicine, the sweet variety soothes the nerves, rejuvenates the heart and liver, and strengthens the digestive system. It also produces blood in the body. Neurotically, it cures phobia and melancholia. The sour variety is especially good for allaying thirst and removal of biliousness.

The essential vitamins and minerals in apples contain a pre-digested form of fruit sugar, which makes them ideal fruit for the sick, infants and invalids.

The apple peel is a rich source of important vitamins. To take full benefit from its goodness, eat it without removing the peel. Apple peeling are especially good for kidney disorders. Steep in hot water, add honey and drink daily.

The hakims maintain that constipation is the root of many diseases. The apple is good for constipated persons. It promoted digestion and hunger. Due to its pectin content, it absorbs excess water in the intestines, producing a soft bulk. This makes it a mild laxative that does not irritate the intestines. It stimulates peristaltic movement, which is vital for regular and natural bowel elimination. The apple is not high in iron content but strangely, it helps the body absorb iron from other foods like eggs and liver. However, it is rich in calcium and helps the body absorb calcium from other foods.

The vitamin A content in apples is 50% more than oranges. This promotes growth, wards off cold and infections, strengthens the eyesight and prevents night blindness.

Its vitamin C content promotes strong, healthy bones and teeth. Its vitamin B content helps maintain the nerves.

Persons with blood disorders such as low blood pressure and hardening of the arteries should eat apples regularly as they are excellent blood purifiers. Apples also increase red blood and make the face glow with radiance.

To rid the body of excess weight, drink apple juice daily.

An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

Let us not look at the apple as just a delicious fruit, but is is more than something nice and good to eat. The saying, an apple a day keeps the doctor away is as true as it sounds. According to the hakims, a person suffering from malnutrition should eat two to three apples daily on awakening, followed by a glass of fresh milk. In about three weeks, he will start enjoying health, glowing with radiance. The functions of his vital organs will improve. His skin and muscles will tone up. His flesh will cling firmly onto his body's framework. Wrinkles on the face and neck, loose, flabby skin hanging over the eyes will all disappear with time. He will acquire youthfulnesses that non-apple eaters do not have. The apple is one of nature's greatest health-giving foods.

A rich source of potassium, the apple promotes youthfulness; it is the "artery softener," keeping the arteries of the body flexible and resilient. It is a fighter of dangerous bacteria and viruses. Potassium deficiency can lead to depression, mental and physical fatigue. Fats do not convert in the the proper compounds. In turn, these imporperly porcessed fats may llead to a certain form of rheumatism. Similarly, organic food elements do not neutralizze when there is a lack of potassium in the body. The organ food elements thus, convert into acids, which, in turn renders the entire body to becoming aci.d When there is an excess of acids in the body, some foods will convert into gases, leading to a variety of ailments and diseases. Potassium is also needed for sugar metabolism. See what happens when there is a potassium deficiency.

1. Water build-up occurs in the tissues, indicating the start of kidney problems. If left untreated, the kidneys begin to atrophy, finally giving up their function. A usual symptom is swollen ankles.

2. When there is lack of potassium, the cerebellum cannot function efficiently. The sufferer feels like falling. Mental work and physical movements become difficult.

3. A periodic headache, especially on arising in the afternoon and in the evening, is another common symptom of potassium deficiency.

4. Potassium deficiency results in lack of tissue oxidation, causing the muscles to waste away. This is called dropsy.

5. The individual feels feverish inside his body, not outwardly. There is a burning sensation inside, but not on the outside.

6. The skin itches all over the body so that the sufferer itches everywhere.

7. The patient also complains of sensitive corns.

8. A scar itches more when there is a lack of potassium.

9. Peristalsis of the bowel is defective. Bowel movement is irregular. This may cause acidity in the stomach..

10. The muscles become excessively acid. If left untreated it leads to the whole body becoming acid. This may lead to other complications.

From the above discussion, the importance of including apples in the diet becomes self-evident. Also see how apples can help cure other ailments and diseases.

Constipation: Constipation is the root of several maladies such as piles, headaches, body aches, o name a few. The apple is among those fruits that help cure constipation. It also promote digestion and enhances the appetite. Eat and apple or two before going to bed and on awakening.

Strenuous Mental Work: The apple is a rich source of phosphorus and potassium, which are both vital for the brain. Those doing mental work should include apples in their daily diet. Eating two to three apples in the morning followed by a glass of fresh milk is very nourishing brain and the body in general.

Weakening Memory: Signs of a weakening memory and inability to remember simple names of people and things; continuous discharge of fluid from the nose; post-nasal drip. The patient should eat an apple or two, peel and all, ten minutes before meals. Doing this regularly helps strengthen the brain and its faculties.

Cracked Lips: Sometimes the lips tend to crack especially in winter. Pound the seeds of an apple until it becomes a paste. Apply to the lips before going to bed. By the morning, there will be a marked difference.

Headaches: For persistent headaches of any kind, eat an apple or two each morning on awakening. Remove the peel, cut into slices, sprinkle a little salt and eat. In case of high blood pressure, avoid salt. Relief will be found in three days.

Sore Eyes, Conjunctivitis and Inflammation of the Eyes: Remove and discard the peel of an apple. Mash a small piece of the flesh, place on the affected eye and tie with a bandage. Leave for an hour or two. Repeat after a few hours until relief is found.

Sore Throat and inflammation of the Throat
: After removing the skin of an apple, scoop a teaspoon of the flesh and place in the mouth. Let it make contact with the affected area for a few seconds before swallowing it. Repeat a few times. Do this twice a day for two or three days. The problem should be solved in due course.

Coughing: For coughs of all types, drink a glass of pure apple juice sweetened with sugar candy every morning. This is a very effective treatment for this condition. As an alternative, eat a sweet apple daily for a week to ten days. The condition should disappear during the course of this treatment.

Vomiting: Drink the juice of a raw apple mixed with a little salt. The vomiting should stop immediately.

Aversion to Food: Prepare the dough of bread using the juice of the sour variety of the apple instead of water. Bake and eat for a week. This will enhance the appetite.

Poor Appetite due to Weak Digestion: Add a pinch of cumin powder, black salt and table salt in a glass of fresh apple juice. Drink for a few days. This builds the appetite and the body will assimilate any food that is eaten.

Kidney and Bladder Stones: Eating apples regularly, prevents stone formation in the kidneys and bladder. It also helps dissolve stones if they have already formed.

Fever: Apples are good in bringing fevers down. Eat them liberally but moderately.

Intestinal Worms: Eat an apple just before going to bed for a few days. Do not take any water thereafter. The worms will pass out within a week.

A Lazy Liver: Apples rejuvenate the liver. They are also wonderful in cleansing, purifying and building new blood.

Diarrhea: The hakims have used apples and apple seeds successfully in the treatment of diarrhea. Dry the seeds, powder to a fine texture and take half to one teaspoon of with water thrice a day. As an alternative, one to four tablespoons, depending on the age of the patient, of the crushed raw apple every two hours is very effective in this condition. The patient should not take any food. If he feels thirsty, very little water or tea may be taken. There will be a marked difference in his condition in 24 hours. If the patient does not like the taste of raw apples, it could be blended with bananas.

Expectant Mothers: Expectant others should eat apples generously as they prevent the onset of diseases related to pregnancy. They should continue eating apples after delivery, especially if they are breastfeeding. This promotes good health in mother and child.

Teething Babies: Many babies become restless when they are teething. Giving them a slice or two of apple a day, will soothe them. Teething, too, will become easy.

Thirst: Drinking a glass of pure apple juice mixed with equal quantity of water is very helpful in allaying thirst.

Scorpion Sting: Mash an apple to form a paste. Apply to the affected area. This will relive the burning. Together with this, let the patient eat an apple or two.

Poisoning: For any type of poisoning, 20 grams of extract of apple leaves given orally every hour or two will flush out all effects of the poison from the body.

Melancholia: The patient should eat apples daily on awakening.

Aphrodisiac: Stick as many cloves as possible into a peeled apple. Leave the apple in a well-aerated place for a week. Remove the cloves and store them in a jar. Take four to five cloves orally every morning.

Dullness of the Face: Eating apples frequently, will make the face glow with radiance after a few days.

Insomnia: Boil together three grams of quince seeds and 180 grams of pure apple juice. Let the patient drink every morning.

: Mix together equal quantities of fresh apple juice and sheep milk and warm it. The patient should take this once daily for bout seven weeks. The condition should improve in about seven weeks.

Alcoholism and Drug Dependence: The patient should eat plenty of apples daily and gradually lessen intake of the alcohol and drugs. He will eventually kick the habit and have an aversion for the same.

Typhoid: Prepare a tea by boiling a handful of apple peelings in a cup of water. Sweeten with sugar and flavour with lemon juice. This is beneficial in this condition.



[Image: images?q=tbn:57Ai4t_BeBJhgM]

The apricot is a summer fruit. It has a short season. The sweetest and well-flavoured apricots are the ones that ripen on the tree. However, these are difficult to come by in fruit shops. Since they perish quickly, the come unripe or half ripe to the market. Unripe or half ripe apricots seldom attain the right sweetness or flavour even if you leave them for a few days to ripen. They shrivel and lose their juiciness. The flesh is firm, and they taste sour. It is best to avoid them. If they are not available , then choose those that are orange-yellow in colour, plump and juicy. If you have your own tree, let them ripen on the tree.

The apricot is high in alkalinity. It acts as an excellent laxative in persons prone to constipation. IT s cobalt content is beneficial anemic conditions. persons who suffer from conditions related to lack of blood should eat them freely. It is also a good source of vitamin A.

Dried apricots have six-times more sugar than fresh ones. Therefore, they are excellent for boosting the energy. Diabetics should be wary of eating them freely.



[Image: images?q=tbn:QGUK9U9OPls4hM]

The avocado is actually a fruit, but usually treated as a vegetable. Its smooth, oily, pale-green flesh has none of the sweetness associated with fruit. There are many varieties of the fruit: pear-shaped to spherical, smooth to leathery skin, and green to black in colour. It grows in many parts of the world but they grow wild in t he tropical parts of certain countries. due to its high food energy value, very wide varieties of people eat them in all parts of the world.

Buy ripe avocados for immediate use. The ripe ones will yield to slight pressure. Avoid those with dark, sunken spots or cracks; they are overripe or bruised. Light-brown spots here and there, do not mean that the quality is bad. Use the ripe fruit immediately. The full-grown but unripe fruit will ripen at room temperate in a few days. To preserve the cut fruit, coat it with lemon juice.

Avocado contains high fruit oil content which is why it is so valuable as a food energy source. Because of the many minerals contained in avocado, it regulated body functions and stimulates body growth. High in iron and copper, it helps in the regeneration of red blood and prevention of anemia. The fruit is high in protein, fat, riboflavin, niacin and potassium. It also has some amounts o vitamin A and vitamin C. It has no starch and contains very little sugar.



[Image: images?q=tbn:1emYcVandDlsBM]

Botanically, the banana is not a fruit. It is a large herb, but people use it as a fruit. It grows virtually in most tropical countries and is available throughout the year in many countries. As compared to other fruits, they are relatively cheap and abundant, making it affordable for the low-income person.

There are many varieties of the banana. Besides a variety or two for cooking, all the other varieties are eaten as fruit. Some have a yellow skin with a delicate flavour, others have reddish skin with a gum-like-flesh, another variety has an acid-like flavour and tastes somewhat like a mellow apple; the lady finger, which is the smallest, has a delicate, sweet flavour.

Always eat bananas when they are fully ripe, without any race of green on the peel. If the skin has flecks of brown or it has black spots, and the fruit feels firm, it is ripe, not overripe. It is a real pleasure eating such a banana.

The banana is one of Nature's most wonderful fruit. Because of its thick skin, no germs, dirt, dust or insect can penetrate into the flesh. It needs no cooking. Anyone can eat it as a meal and survive on it for many days without any ill effects. It is relatively cheap, nourishing, and available almost anywhere.

IT contains a great deal of fibre, vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates. the body readily assimilates the sugar in bananas. Its vitamin B content helps build resistance against infectious diseases.

As mentioned, they are very filling and satisfying. Therefore, infants and children should eat them regularly. Persons with intestinal disturbances should also eat them regularly. it is excellent in convalescents. Due to their high potassium and calcium contents, they are good for the muscular system and the vital organs.

According to some dietitians, bananas should be eaten in the morning. Others feel there is no harm in eating one or two after meals providing one does not have a full meal. Drinking a cup of milk after eating bananas help in building a good health system.

Doctors have used bananas successfully in the treatment of various ailments. Dr. R K Parker says that he has used bananas successfully for patient with diarrhea. The famous African explorer, Stanley has written in his diary that he found the Uvumbo tribe drying bananas on tree branches and grinding them into flour. The flour is excellent for children, and persons with a weak digestive system. Whenever he had problems with his own bowels and intestines, hew would eat the flour with milk successful results.

Bananas prevent germs from thriving in the stomach and colon, especially in children. It regulates the functions of the stomach and colon. Cut into thin small pieces and added to a bowel of milk makes it a very nourishing meal for children.



[Image: images?q=tbn:_Ug4Kke-snczqM]

There are many varieties of the cherry. however, in South Africa it is generally classified according to its taste: the sour cherry and the sweet cherry. The sweet variety is very delicious and loved by most people.

Eat cherries when they are ripe. Dark-purple to black are good signs of their ripeness.

High in iron, cherries are excellent for cleansing the gall bladder and liver, and for persons with anemic conditions. Drink a small glass of the juice each m morning before breakfast.

Because of its high alkaline content, it helps rid the body of toxic wastes. It is not advisable to mix cherries with dairy products.

They are also good as a laxative, helping to cleanse the digestive system.



[Image: images?q=tbn:v9925zWxC7j0MM]

There are two varieties of the currant - the black and red.  The black currants were used for the treatment of scurvy because of their high vitamin C content.

Dried currants are high in iron, copper and manganese. Therefore, they are valuable in the treatment of anemia.

Because of their alkaline reaction, they can be used as a laxative. They are also important for the elimination of certain impurities in the body.

The black currant is also very valuable in the treatment of arthritis and gout while the red currant is valuable in the treatment of dysentery.

[Image: dates.jpg]

Fresh dates are sweet, juicy and delicious. They keep well for a long time if they are refrigerated. To preserve them without refrigerating it is best to dry them on the tree.

The ripe fruit is fleshy, with a smooth skin is light to dark brown.

From a health point of view, the natural sugar in dates is by far better than the highly refined white sugar that we eat.

People have different ways of eating dates. Many remove the stones, stuff them with almonds or walnuts and eat them. Others dip them in course coconut flakes. Children, too, seem to love them most. Besides satisfying their palates, dates are certainly better than sweets, candies and chocolates. They are very nutritious, nourishing and filling.

A good substitute for sugar is to powder dry dates and use as sweetener. The powder could be used as a sweetener and flavouring agent when baking cakes, biscuits and desserts.

Fresh dates are excellent for cleansing and producing new blood. It gives energy, strength, and health to those suffering from fatigue and malnutrition. It prevents many diseases of the throat, heart, lung and digestive system. It contains carotene, which converts to vitamin A in the body. it is a good source of phosphorus, iron, vitamin B and a little of vitamin C.

Dates are excellent for any disorders associated with flu and the common cold; likewise in eliminating phlegm from the body. They also promote menstruation in women who suffer from delayed menstruation.

Dried dates, called chuhara in most of the Oriental languages, are excellent for many ailments. For general debility and weakness, boil a few chuharas in milk and drink regularly.

Dates can be used beneficially for most ailments. Here are some.

After a Long Illness: For recovery after a long illness, discard the stones of a handful of dates. Wash the dates and dry the moisture; fry in clarified butter (ghee). Eat every morning at breakfast time.

Typhoid, Coughs, Debility, Fatigue, Respiratory Troubles: Take equal quantities of dates, dried currants, clarified butter (ghee), and honey. Whip in a food processor or pound them together in a mortar. Add a teaspoon or two of the paste to a cup of milk, whip and drink for a number of days. This is also good in the treatment of general weakness, coughs, diseases related to  the respiratory system, fatigue, and sexual debility.

Ulcers: Dates are excellent for persons who have ulcers of the stomach. Remove the skin and eat a few dates, followed by a glass of raw milk. The skin comes off easily if the data are soaked in water for a few minutes.

Sensitive Stomachs in Children: For children who have sensitive stomachs, soak some dates in water for an hour or two. Let them drink the water follow by eating the dates. Since the cellulose or fibre of the date is very soft, it will not irritate the stomach.

Fatigue and General Weakness: Dates are especially beneficial for person who do vigorous exercises and hard work. They are a good source of copper. which is essential for the human body, though in minute quantities.

Underweight: For gaining weight, stuff dates with cheese. In addition, dates combined with milk are excellent for weight gaining.

[Image: images?q=tbn:jWOpPb7srtw3bM]

There are several varieties of the fig. From greenish-yellow to purplish or almost black. Figs can be eaten fresh as well as dry. Figs are highly perishable when fresh. eat them only fully ripe. They are rip e if they yield to pressure on the skin. They are deliciously sweet and invigorating. If a fig has a sourly odour, it is overripe and not good to eat.

Because of their high sugar content, figs, whether fresh or dried, are excellent for acquiring energy. Dried figs are very nourishing, especially in the cold months. Figs soften the bowels because of their mucin and pectin content. The calcium and carbohydrate contents in figs render them a  high-energy food, which is assimilated into the body very easily and quickly.

Figs digest easily and are good for persons prone to constipation. They also promote perspiration, thus ridding the body of impurities. They are good as blood builders. The hakims recommend eating them liberally for building a healthy body and strengthening the nervous system. They are also excellent in cases of mental and respiratory disorders. For good results, at least 4-5 figs should be eaten at a time.

Black figs contain great amounts of potassium. Eating them in combination with goat's milk is an excellent remedy for arthritis. It also helps detoxify the body.

Fresh figs may be eaten in combination with other fruits. However, avoid eating dried with fruits containing acids such as tomatoes, grapefruits, oranges, tangerine etc.



[Image: images?q=tbn:-kEiMTncv-5dQM]

Gooseberry can be eaten fresh or cooked such as in pies, tarts, jams, jellies, conserves, preserves, and marmalades. Some people use gooseberry in spiced dishes. The juice from gooseberries can be used alone or combined with fruit juices.

Gooseberries have a high potassium and sodium content. They are good for the liver and intestinal tract.



[Image: images?q=tbn:q7VkZgV0wv4LWM]

There are mainly two varieties of the fruit growing in South Africa. Most popular is the purple granadilla. The pulp has a sharp, subacidic to sweet taste. It can be scooped with a spoon and eaten fresh, or the fruit can be softened, punctured, and sucked directly. It has a strong scent and is very delicious. The yellow type is more acid. Both types are used for flavouring, preparing cocktails in combination with other juices, and in desserts and cakes.

Ripe granadillas are deep red to purple-brown in colour and the skins have a leathery texture. To avoid dehydration, keep in a plastic container in the refrigerator.

Granadillas are rich in vitamins A, thus aiding in the building of resistance against infections, and in preventing the formation of stones in the kidney and bladder. Rich in vitamin C, they help the body in the healing process after some severe infection or prolonged illness.

The iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and potassium contents in granadillas are also high.



[Image: images?q=tbn:OtL9WE-07jdlCM]

There are countless varieties of the fruit, but only 40 to 50 varieties are important commercially. table grapes should be attractive, plump, brilliant, sweet, and firm.

Grapes contain many curative properties. Some people adopt a sole diet of grapes for some days during the grape season. Studies show that because of their high magnesium content, grapes are valuable in preventing cancer if included in the daily diet.

The skin and seeds of grapes are good for bulk. However, persons suffering from colitis and ulcers should not eat them if they find they cause irritation.

Grapes should be eaten when they are ripe and sweet. They give immediate energy to the body. Sour or unripe grapes contain acidity, which is not good for the blood. They corrupt the throat, take a long time to digest, and may cause bleeding from the nose and urinary tract.

Eat grapes for smooth bowel movement, liver and bladder cleansing, and rejuvenating the function of the kidneys. Grapes also alkalize the blood, remove crystallized deposits in any part of the body, and soothes the nervous system.

The darker the grapes, the more iron the contain which makes them good blood builders.

Eating grapes regularly makes the eyesight strong, and clears and sweetens the voice. They give energy in the body and are especially good for persons who have a weak and rundown body. They also give strength to the heart, brains, stomach, lungs and intestines.

Grape juice is excellent for persons doing mental work. Drinking the juice revitalizes them and replenishes their energy reserves.

Sweet grapes turn into raisins when they are left on the trees to dry. Raisins are rich in carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. They form a very valuable diet when taken with  milk. They complement each other each other as the milk contains protein but no sugar, and the rains contain sugar but no protein. They can be eaten on their own or in combination with nuts; they may be added to cooked foods, jams, jellies, cakes, puddings and pies.

Wasting disease: Because of the high sugar and glucose contents raisins and their ability to produce quick heat and energy in the body, they should be eaten by anyone afflicted with general weakness, debility and wasting disease. they are also valuable during convalescence.

Underweight: To gain weight, eat raisins liberally daily.

Acidosis: The acidity of body fluid is abnormally high in this condition. Raisins are excellent in combating this disease because it is alkaline-forming in the body. They maintain the acid balance in the body, which is a result of excessive consumption of meats and other proteins.

Fevers: Soak a  handful of raisins in water until they swell to their normal size. discard the seeds. Using a  food processor pulverize the raisins in the same water in which they were soaked. Sieve and discard the skin. This is an excellent tonic ni fevers. Add a few drops of lime juice for flavour.

Sexual Debility: To restore sexual energy, wash about a tablespoon of raisins in tepid water. boil in a cup of milk until they swell to their original size. Have the raisins and milk thrice a day.

Anemia and Loss of Blood: Loss of excessive blood in childbirth can cause anemia. In this condition, eating grapes restores new blood in the body. The same is true for anyone who loses blood for any other reason.  If grapes are not available, raisins are a good substitute. Grapes and raisins are also excellent for anemic persons.

Tumors: For tumors and infection, crush some grapes and use a poultice for two to three days.

Indigestion and Constipation:

1. To cleanse the digestive system, adopt and exclusive one-day grape diet in season. Indigestion is often the result of vitamin b deficiency. Grapes are a rich source of this vitamin. Besides, the cellulose, sugar, and organic acid contents in grapes makes them a good laxative especially in children when they are constipated.

2. The huge red type raisins are excellent in chronic constipation. Soak seven raisins in water overnight. In the morning, remove the seeds as they are constipating. Chew the raisins well and drink the water.

3. Specifically for infants and children who have irregular bowel movements, soak five to ten raisins - depending on the age of the child - in boiling water until they swell. Remove them, discard the seeds, pound them, and press out the juice through a sieve. This is excellent for regulating bowel movement. For infants, dilute the pulp in some water.

Scanty Urination: For suppressed or scanty urination, remove the seeds of three raisins of the huge red type. place a black pepper in each raisin and chew well just before going to bed. Doing this regimen for a number of days will yield good results.

Throat Disorders
: For soar throat, swelling in the throat region, hoarseness, and related disorders, eat sweet grapes regularly. The voice will become clear and melodious. Alternatively, gargle with fresh grape juice.

Eye Disorders: Blurred vision occurs when there is a deficiency of vitamin A. Eat grapes on a regular basis as they contain plenty of this vitamin.

Jaundice: Remove the seeds of 15 raisins of the huge red type. Soak them in pure wine vinegar before going to bed. In the morning remove them from the vinegar; sprinkle lightly with some salt and pepper and give the patient to eat. Doing this for a number of days will give complete relief to the patient.

Scurvy: This occurs when there is a deficiency of vitamin C. Eat grapes on a regular basis as they contain plenty of this vitamin.

Asthma: According to Dr. Oldfield, grapes are useful in the treatment of asthma. They should be eaten in moderation. He also believes that if the patient is kept for a while in a grape garden, he will be cured.

Migraine: Drinking fresh juice of the fruit is an effective remedy for migraine in particular.

Lazy Liver; Grapes are very effective in activating the liver to stimulate glycogenic functions and bile secretion, which are both vital for a healthy liver. eat them whole or press out the juice and drink it.

Cardiac Pain and Palpitation
: Grapes are effective in cardiac pain and palpitation. They also tone up the muscles of the heart.

Gall and Kidney Disorders: Grapes are extremely beneficial in all kidney disorders because of their excellent diuretic value and high water and potassium contents. Its low albumium and sodium chloride contents are very effective in the treatment of kidney malfunction. Grapes are also useful in the treatment of kidney and gallbladder stones.

Alcoholism: Grapes should form an exclusive diet for alcoholism since it will supply the purest form of alcohol for those who crave it. The patient should not eat anything else when on this treatment.

Mouth Odour and Bitterness
: The patient should eat grapes after every meal for a month. The condition will disappear in time.

Extreme Thirst
: Suck on a few raisins a few times a day. This allays thirst.

Dry Cough: Roast a few raisins in hot ask. Remove, clear the ash and let the patient suck on them. The cough should disappear after doing this a number of times. Another good treatment is to add honey to a glass of grape juice and drink thrice a day for a number of days. This treatment is very effective provided the patient does not drink water after this, else, the cough will worsen.

Teething: For teething babies, a teaspoon of grape juice daily in the morning and evening is an effective remedy. The baby's discomfort will disappear or lessen, and the teething will become easy.

Female troubles: For irregular menstruation, discharge from the genitals, indigestion, dullness and paleness of the skin, heaviness in the stomach, and headaches of any type, a glass of pure grape juice in the morning and evening as a tonic will produce excellent results.

: This is a disorder of the central nervous system Epileptics are subject to seizures, temporary loss of consciousness, with or without convulsive movements. A glass of fresh grape juice given thrice a day yields good results.

Baldness: Pound together a handful of dried white or yellow raisins and equal quantity of the pulp of aloes. When the paste is ready, apply to the bald patches. This will bring good results if the disease is in its early stages.

Fatigue: Raisins are excellent in fatigue caused by hard physical or mental work or travel.

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