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Computer games

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Computer games
I read somewhere in a gaming website that first person computer games improve eyesight by a little bit.  There was also a research on it at a university.  How is this so?  Also type this up on google: computer games improve eyesight. 

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Is it because we shift our eyes a lot while playing computer games?
Yes, that is a very likely explanation.

Also, playing computer games captures our interest -- interest is always beneficial.
Yeah, as long as you don't choose to be a camper, that'll make you star.  ;D
Mzero Wrote:Yeah, as long as you don't choose to be a camper, that'll make you star.  ;D

That can be very true. It reminds me of a tale:

A man played the violin. After many years he stopped playing songs, but instead constantly sawed back and forth on one note.

Finally, his wife shouted at him, "You're driving me crazy! Why don't you play other notes like other violinists?"

The man replied, "All those other musicians are still searching for the perfect note. But me, I've found it!"
Site Administrator

"Half of our funny, heathen lives, we are bent double to gather things we have tossed away." - George Meredith
oh i think i know.  Its because we use our peripheral vision to see an enemy but then we move our cursor to him and look at him.  We use the center of our vision.
I noticed this effect of first person games on my self even before I have heard about this study.
Otter Wrote:Is it because we shift our eyes a lot while playing computer games?

Would riding your bike also help vision because you might shift your eyes a lot?
Quote:Would riding your bike also help vision because you might shift your eyes a lot?

Certainly, it would.

Have you read this story?



AS noted in the chapter on What Glasses Do to Us, the sight always improves when glasses are discarded, though this improvement may be so slight as not to be noticed. In a few unusual cases the patients, when freed from the handicap of a condition which compels them to keep their eyes continually under a strain, find out, in some way, how to avoid strain, and thus regain a greater or less degree of their normal visual power. The writer of the following letter was able, without any help from anyone, to discover and put into practice the main principles presented i 1 this book, and thus became able to read without his glasses. He is an engineer, and at the time the letter was written was fifty-one years of age. He had worn glasses since 1896, first for astigmatism, getting stronger ones every couple of years, and then for astigmatism and presbyopia. At one time he asked his oculist and several opticians if the eyes could not be strengthened by exercises, so as to make glasses unnecessary, but they said: "No. Once started on glasses you must keep to them." When the war broke out he was very nearly disqualified for service in the Expeditionary Forces by his eyes, but managed to pass the required tests, after which he was ordered abroad as an officer in the Gas Service. While there he saw in the Literary Digest of May 2, 1918, a reference to my method of curing defective eyesight without glasses, and on May 11 he wrote to me in part as follows:

"At the front I found glasses a horrible nuisance, and they could not be worn with gas masks. After I had been about six months abroad I asked an officer of the Medical Corps about going without glasses. He said I was right in my ideas and told me to try it. The first week was awful, but I persisted and only wore glasses for reading and writing. I stopped smoking at the same time to make it easier on my nerves.

"I brought to France two pairs of bow spectacles and two extra lenses for repairs. I have just removed the extra piece for near vision from these extra lenses and had them mounted as pince-nez, with shur-on mounts, to use for reading and writing, so that the only glasses I now use are for astigmatism, the age lens being off. Three months ago I could not read ordinary head-line type in newspapers without glasses. To-day, with a good light, I can read ordinary book type, held at a distance of eighteen inches from my eyes. Since the first week in February, when I discarded my glasses, I have had no headaches, stomach trouble, or dizziness, and am in good health generally. My eyes are coming back, and I believe it is due to sticking it out. I ride considerably in automobiles and trams, and somehow the idea has crept into my mind that after every trip my eyes are stronger. This, I think, is due to the rapid changing of focus in viewing scenery going by so fast. Other men have tried this plan on my advice, but gave it up after two or three days. Yet, from what they say, I believe they were not so uncomfortable as I was for a week or ten days. I believe most people wear glasses because they 'coddle' their eyes."

The patient was right in thinking that the motor and tram rides improved his sight. The rapid motion compelled rapid shifting.


PSWG - CHAPTER XXXI - Letters from Patients

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An engineer, fifty-one years of age, had worn glasses since 1896, first for astiginatism, getting stronger ones every couple of years, and then for astigmatism and preshyapia. At one tune he asked his oculist and several opticians if the eyes could not be strengthened by exercises, so as to make glasses unnecessary, but they said: "No. Once started on glasses you must keep to them." When the war broke out he was very nearly disqualified for service in the Expeditionary Forces by his eyes, but managed to pass the required tests, after which he was ordered abroad as an officer in the Gas Service. While there he saw in the Literary Digest of May 2, 1918, a reference to my method of curing defective eyesight without glasses, and on May 1.1 he wrote to me in part as follows:

At the front I found glasses a horrible nuisance, and they could not be worn with gas masks. After I had been about six months abroad I asked an officer of the Medical Corps about going without glasses. He said I was right in my ideas and told me to try it. The first week was awful, but I persisted and only wore glasses for reading and writing. I stopped smoking at the same time to make it easier on my nerves.

I brought to France two pairs of bow spectacles and two extra lenses for repairs. I have just removed the extra piece for near vision from these extra tenses and had them mounted as pince-nez, with shur-on mounts, to use for reading and writing, so that the only glasses I now use are for astigmatism, the age lens being off. Three months ago I could not read ordinary head-line type in newspapers without glasses. Today, with a good light, I can read ordinary book type (18 point), held at a distance of eighteen inches from my eyes. Since the first week in February, when I discarded my glasses, I have had no headaches, stomach trouble, or dizziness, and am in good health generally. My eyes are coming back, and I believe it is due to sticking it out. I ride considerably in automobiles and trams, and somehow the idea has crept into my mind that after every trip my eyes are stronger. This, I think, is due to the rapid changing of focus in viewing scenery going by so fast.

Other men have tried this plan on my advice, but gave It up after two or three days. Yet, from what they say, I believe they were not so uncomfortable as I was for a week or ten days.

I believe most people wear glasses because they "coddle" their eyes.


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