"> The path of abusing your eyes

The path of abusing your eyes

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It’s fascinating how the seeing process gets disrupted enough to come crashing down piece by piece, a whole series of mistakes. Here’s one way I think it happens.

One of the most basic ideas of blurry vision is the idea that we have to freeze our eyes and try to keep the image still so that we can see everything as well as possible and see everything at once. The freezing stops your eyes from moving, and the movement is necessary for a normal seeing process, so effectively you adopt a diffused stare where your attention isn’t on anything small. This isn’t how vision is meant to work, so the eye muscles stay tense from the abuse.

When it comes time you have to look specifically at smaller details, the freezing of the eyes is intensified. This is because you’re looking directly at something and can notice its apparent movement more readily, and you make an effort to keep it still in the center of your vision. So you avoid looking at details all the time, because it’s so uncomfortable.

Vision is a significant part of your attention and consciousness, and abuse to your vision has dramatic effects. You experience a chain reaction in the form of worse vision, headaches, dizziness, mental fatigue, chronic tension in surrounding areas such as your face, neck and shoulders, etc. Seeing has become uncomfortable no matter if you’re really looking at anything or not.  You cope with these symptoms by moving your attention to your mind and away from your physical body so that you do not have to be conscious of the uncomfortable sensations. Even if you’re into physical sports or fitness, you remain more so in your mind and only minimally aware of your physical body as demanded by the activity.

Physically relaxing your mind and body can help somewhat. You may find that massaging your neck, palming, or doing any other number of things improves your vision for a moment, due to the chain of programming within you being disrupted. But merely temporarily disrupting the programming you have created isn’t sufficient. You have to remove the programming’s point of origin by identifying the nature of the point, releasing it, and replacing it with the right way to see. So it’s important that you pay close attention and consider many aspects to what you’re doing as you try to see anything. Consider possibilities of different ways to look at things, and which is correct, and see how well you can justify it. Take some time to write out all your thoughts and questions if you can, and consider them. You don’t learn much if you only try to follow instructions by me or anyone else. You have to consider why you weren’t doing things that way before, because there are reasons you’re doing things the way you are, and those reasons don’t go away until you’ve clearly determined for yourself that they are always wrong and you can completely drop them.

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Author: David

I founded iblindness.org in 2002 as I began reading books on the Bates Method and became interested in vision improvement. I believe that everyone who is motivated can identify the roots of their vision problems and apply behavioral changes to solve them.

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