What are you assuming, without researching or checking with your own experience, to see if your assumption makes sense? Yesterday I worked with a gentle giving woman, who was upset because when people found out she was an only child, they assumed that meant she had to be selfish. She had spent most of her life over-giving to others to prove this assumption wrong.
Here are some vision assumptions I’ve noticed, which aren’t valid. Can you think of a few more?
- As a child I assumed glasses helped me see better. If I couldn’t see well enough with them, I assumed that meant I needed stronger glasses.
- When I started vision improvement 15 years ago, after a lifetime of wearing strong eyeglasses and contact lenses, I assumed it would be a lot of work to see more clearly, or to lower my prescription.
- My mother “needed” glasses as a teenager so she assumed I would too, and she put me in them as soon as I entered school.
- (This one makes me laugh.) When I need to stand closer to something to see it than others do, well-meaning people assume I need glasses. They then offer me their readers which just make things more blurry for me.
- Many people, even many eye doctors, assume vision can’t improve, that it can only get worse.
- As a consummate over-achiever, I grew up assuming I had to push myself relentlessly, and be as perfect as possible. This attitude has really gotten in my way in vision improvement, which is all about allowing and receiving.
- Wearing strong glasses as a child, I had great difficulty hitting or catching a ball. I assumed I was uncoordinated, not that the glasses were interfering with my depth perception.
Look at the word “assume”, and break it apart. ASS U ME. Did you ever hear the saying “To assume is to make an ass out of you, and me!”? Don’t assume blindly, about vision or anything else, without checking out what’s really true.
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I wore strong glasses, then contact lenses, from age 5 into my 40s. While making many mistakes, eventually l learned how to improve the way I use my eyes and to see in a more relaxed, healthy manner. It is my pleasure to coach others to do the same. Visit me at https://NancyLNeff.com.
You can do it, Daniela! There is lots of support and good information here, plus stories of others who’ve improved. Just get started, and be gentle with yourself.
Many thanks for this post. Really interesting and it surely hits a cord with me. Because I have been wearing glasses for 40 odd years I definitely assume that it will take me ages to see any improvements. I know I have a lot of work to do with regards to “vision improvement, which is all about allowing and receiving”. I don’t think I am quite allowing and receiving and I am still to find what prevents me from doing so.
I like the breakdown of the word assume!
Thanks for the encouragement on my journey to clear vision.