"> Are You Accepting Of Your Vision?

Are You Accepting Of Your Vision?

My energy healing teacher, with whom I’ve been studying for many years, often talks about how destructive self-criticism can be to our spiritual progress. And yet we all do it. We drop something accidentally in the kitchen, then instead of laughing at ourselves for rushing and not paying attention, we can start into a mental dialogue of “You clumsy idiot! You’re always making a mess!”, sounding like a punishing parent. When I do this, I find myself getting so rattled I usually drop something else!

When I was growing up, I was good in school and at games, yet with my thick eyeglasses I felt defective. I don’t remember ever receiving sympathy and understanding for my poor eyesight, nor giving that to myself. Someone in strong glasses was to be ridiculed, called Four Eyes or Mr. Magoo. This certainly didn’t help my vision, or my attitude about it.

As I started vision improvement and paid more attention to how I talked to myself about my seeing, I was dismayed to find how negative I had been. As a child my mother used to regularly worry about “Nancy’s bad eyes”. So I’m sure I absorbed some of this idea that my visual system was broken, or at the least under-performing. This was upsetting to me as a top student.

Now I think I have great eyes, which can usually see whatever I need them to see, if I give them enough time. Rushing and pushing myself are difficult habits to break, and I can see their negative effects on my vision. If I allow myself to get anxious, or try to make myself see something when I’m just too tired or not interested, of course my vision won’t be as good.

In the past when I couldn’t see something right away as clearly as I wanted to, I instantly went into self-blame. It was the automatic triggering of that old programming, before I could stop it, telling myself “There you go again! Your eyesight isn’t very good today, is it? Maybe Mom was right that you have bad eyes!”, etc. etc. Well naturally this felt awful, making me discouraged and my vision even worse.

When my teacher said self-criticism is not the way to motivate yourself, I was skeptical, as this was all I knew. Since she was right about so many other things, I figured I’d give self-encouragement a try with my vision, praising myself when I saw something clearer than before, or drove my car without fear on a rainy dim day. As I cheerlead my own vision, it rises up to meet my expectations, like a child who lives to the label of being a good kid.

My vision coaching clients regularly talk about their vision in derogatory ways, like “Vision is not my gift” or “I can’t see a thing without my glasses”. Even “My vision keeps getting worse” can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. What if your eyes are perfect feedback mechanisms, showing you that you don’t really want to see that right now? You just want to rest, and have no new responsibilities. Your eyes aren’t mal-functioning at all!

As I’m re-learning almost every day, listen to your eyes like you would to a good friend, and you’ll know what they need. If you appreciate your vision and all it shows you, it will give you even more to appreciate. Be good to your visual system, and it will be good to you.


  • Printable PDF Files
  • 20 ft, 10 ft, and Near Vision Charts
  • Letters Calibrated to Correct Printed Size


Author: Nancy

I wore strong glasses, then contact lenses, from age 5 into my 40s. While making many mistakes, eventually l learned how to improve the way I use my eyes and to see in a more relaxed, healthy manner. It is my pleasure to coach others to do the same. Visit me at https://NancyLNeff.com.

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Lovely post . Thank you bx


I think that what you say about mainstream doctors goes for a lot of people. I think that many people mean well and want to help society by doing their job but they were educated (indoctrinated) in such a way so that what they think is good for other people is actually bad or sub-optimal for other people.

Also more ontopic to your post maybe: I agree that being optimistic is important. I believe that someones body and mind pull towards each other. For example, if ones mind is like that of someone with good sight but his actual sight is bad, then his mind and body are in conflict. I believe this to be an unstable state that will make a transition to a stable state by the mind or body succumbing to the other. So either his mind will succumb to the body, he will become pessimistic and he will start wearing glasses again, or his body will succumb to his mind and his sight will improve sufficiently.

I believe that as soon as someone becomes too pessimistic his mind will succumb to the body instead of vice-versa and the unstable state of conflict between mind and body will make a transition to the stable state where both his mind and body are those of someone who has whatever deficiency it was he wanted to get rid of. Therefore optimism is of vital importance to any form of self improvement, including NVI.


Did you know that school is meant to dumb us down and teach us blind obedience? The elite does not want smart people because smart people cannot be scammed as easily. For example, the Fed loans out dollars with interest. But how can we ever pay back the interest? The Fed has a monopoly on dollars so in order to pay back the interest we need more dollars with more interest. It is a devastating scam but almost no one thinks about this because in school back when we were vulnerable children they taught us to have blind faith in what the authorities say and to not think for ourselves.

John Taylor Gatto shares a lot of information about schooling and how our education fails us but is a great success to the elite.

I think that almost no one believes in NVI because the authorities pretend it does not exist and everyone has learned to have blind obedience to authorities.
For example look at this: https://www.webmd.com/eye-health/features/natural-vision-correction-does-it-work
It mentions some people saying there is no evidence. I have never been an ophthalmologist or anything like that and even I produced evidence by partly curing my own eyesight (though I admit it lacks rigor). So why do those professionals not do it? My guess is a lack of motivation. Scientists want a career and for a career they need a boss who pays them to be scientist. And because selling glasses is probably more profitable than is a business made around NVI I would guess there is simply no interest in researching NVI. The ones who mostly benefit from NVI are the people with eye problems but obviously the corporations do not care about people with eye problems so they sell the “solutions” that bring in the most money for the corporations instead of those that help their customers best. That is why we should do our own research because unlike big corporations, we have our best interest as goal.