"> How Eyeglasses Keep Vision From Improving

How Eyeglasses Keep Vision From Improving

Did you ever see a baby in the arms of a parent with eyeglasses? Often the baby keeps trying to pull them off! While the child does not know about natural vision improvement, she instinctively wants to get rid of what is blocking her from seeing the eyes of her mother or father. She knows glasses interfere with true clear vision.

If you’ve worn glasses yourself for a while, then gone without them, you’ll realize your peripheral vision opens up. Your vision is not fenced in by the frames any longer — you can look far to the sides, or up or down, without hitting a barrier. Glasses train the eye to see in the center of the lens, since that’s where the strongest correction is, so without them you may feel a bit un-tethered at first.


Depth is deeper when you’re out of your eyeglasses. That pane of glass or plastic in front of your eyes flattens the natural depth, which is why people wearing glasses often have trouble estimating distances. One of my early vision teachers was Peter Grunwald, who developed the Eyebody Method of vision improvement. Peter told us paying attention to natural depth is an excellent way to improve eyesight, noticing the contours in foliage, or the swells in the clouds overhead, or the hills and valleys in a landscape.

Spectacles also dull colors. Even plain glass will do this. The colors outoors are richer and deeper when looking out an open window than when looking through the window pane, no matter how clean it is. If you’re wearing glasses too, then looking through a window, or through your windshield while driving, you’re doubly removing the vibrancy from your view.

Many eye doctors give their patients stronger glasses than is really necessary. Of course you want to be safe driving, but you can drive legally with a 20/40 prescription in all states of the USA. Your eyes will see the best they can through the glasses you give them. If the glasses are too strong, your natural vision will retreat a bit, thinking it’s not needed. It’s like taking medication to replace a hormone or enzyme — the body itself will produce even less.

When people start a vision improvement program, learning how to relax their eyes and use them in a more healthy way, then keep wearing their strong glasses, this puts a cap on their progress. Remember the story of the jumping flea in a tall jar, who kept banging his head on the lid? He finally learned not to jump so high. Then when the lid was removed, he never jumped out because he forgot how to exceed that artificial limit.

Without glasses, there are no restrictions on your vision. Your eyes are free to see as close or far as you’d like, with nothing to water down the colors or depth, no weight on your nose. You can put your face up to the rain drops or snow flakes and accept this moisture from Nature, not having to shield your glasses. When I wore glasses as a child I was constantly cleaning them, not wanting even a speck of dust to interfere with my seeing. Now my natural blinking gives me a new clear dust-free view every few seconds!

Don’t feel like you have to be trapped behind your glasses. When you’re in a safe place, experiment by doing a few simple things without them. Go for a walk in a familiar environment, or sit on the floor and play with a pet or a child. You might surprise yourself at how free you feel, and how you can do more than you thought. Your eyes do not have to remain in that cage. Let them dance freely with no barriers, enjoying all they see.

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Author: Nancy

I wore strong glasses, then contact lenses, from age 5 into my 40s. While making many mistakes, eventually l learned how to improve the way I use my eyes and to see in a more relaxed, healthy manner. It is my pleasure to coach others to do the same. Visit me at https://NancyLNeff.com.

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Actually, there’s a guy that tried the reduced lenses method, and he achieved success. He also has a free e-book out as well. So it’s entirely possible to restore good vision in both eyes. However, his eyes were mildly myopic; so in the -2.00-ish range.

His Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/cliffgnu/videos?shelf_id=0&sort=dd&view=0

Video #1 worth watching: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efsgkBHaTlI
Video #2 worth watching: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2hrNpI7Mt4
Video #3 worth watching: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DcNDMEGRKcY

His free e-book: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5REdzibAJQ4VFJuWnZCU3dLcHc/view


Whoops. I meant “restore good vision in both eyes by utilizing the reduced lenses method”.


Everything in this post is entirely wrong. Anyone who knows anything about basic optics should understand that this post is entirely without foundation. A good quality spectacles lens gives 99% transmission. Comparing this to a window pane just shows complete ignorance of the subject. A window pane is flat, has no anti-reflection coating and therefore will reduce quality. A good spectacle lens is the complete opposite. 1% difference is not detectable by any human being. A quarter dioptre of visual correction (generally the minimum step used in spectacles) will give vastly more improvement than the 1% loss of light transmission (and many people struggle to notice the difference of a quarter dioptre change). Also, any half competent optometrist will always undercorrect. ie. give the least correction required. If it is a toss up between -3.00 and -3.25, the optometrist will always go for -3.00. They do NOT give stronger than necessary corrections unless they themselves are incompetent. And let’s face it no optician or doctor is perfect, but who is? I am talking accepted good practice.

As for peripheral vision, a lack of correction severely limits it. This is very easily provable. If you have any significant visual correction, your ability to detect movement and detail in your periphery will be sorely reduced without that correction. If you don’t like glasses, fine! Get contact lenses or even laser surgery (not my choice) but don’t fall for this.

I have searched the internet and have yet to find even ONE example of anyone who has actually achieved ANY change in their prescription by using this method. If you want to see the world as a blur and feel “free” then fine, your choice. BUT don’t pretend this method has any effect in the real world. It is all a delusion.

It is also dangerous to tell people that they are fine to drive without spectacles. It is any driver’s responsibility to see as well as possible when on the road. Why, for heaven’s sake, would you not want to see as well as possible when driving, improving your ability to see danger earlier and react accordingly. The majority of people are sensible and realise this, but this kind of quackery could encourage susceptible souls to get behind the wheel without proper visual correction.

And regarding babies, I assume you have never seen a 6 month old child get their first pair of spectacles and see a life transformed! Suddenly they can see and interact with the world. Their life improves dramatically as does their development. This is fact. Your utter ignorance knows no bounds. I am beyond anger. This is utterly irresponsible and at the very least you should get your facts right before posting this nonsense.

Just to finish, if you go without visual correction for a while, you will adapt and feel you are seeing better. This is the brain’s natural ability to adapt and cope with a new situation. Try getting your eyes tested however, and I guarantee nothing significant will have changed. Try it.


I guess that makes me a NO ONE. Ouch, that hurts!

Els - Eye Love Seeing

Wow, reading your comments makes me feel rather awkward, Rob.
Yes, I’ve tried this what you call quackery, nonsense and utterly irresponsible method and had amazing results!
Yes, I went to my optometrist to get my eyes checked and she was stunned she could NOT find ‘my’ -2 and -1,75 diopters of astigmatism anymore in my eyes.
I truly wish you could experience this too.
It is SO liberating…

Els - Eye Love Seeing

Amen! And yes, let’s spread the natural vision improvement word 🙂


Lovley article! I’ve gone a month now without glasses and even though I’ve only noticed slight improvement in my vision so far, the freedom of not having to worry about dirt, water, or debris getting on my spectacles is a liberating feeling in of itself. Thank you for the article Nancy.