"> Where Dr. Bates Worked – Pictures of History

Where Dr. Bates Worked – Pictures of History

These will give you a feel for where Dr. Bates did his pioneering work in helping patients get out of their glasses and learn to see.

Darrel mailed these to me a while back, several high quality photos printed on photo postcard paper. I have finally gotten around to scanning them all in. I remember I scanned and posted one or two of these somewhere, but I guess I never put them on the site.

Anyway, enjoy!

Harlem Hospital Pavilion, New York City

The above is my favorite, being an actual photograph, not a drawing. Remember, photos were rare in those days!

Dr. Bates worked at the Harlem Hospital on and off for much of his career until 1923.

The below are artists’ renderings of this and other buildings done around Bates’s time, taken from postcards and other material.

North-Western Dispensary, New York City

Bates was attending physician at the North-Western Dispensary early in his career.

New York Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital

Dr. Bates worked as an ophthalmology instructor at the New York Post-Graduate Medical School. In 1891 the head of the institution expelled Bates for taking glasses off the new doctors.

Harlem Hospital, New York City
Harlem Hospital, New York City
Harlem Hospital, New York City


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Author: David

I founded iblindness.org in 2002 as I began reading books on the Bates Method and became interested in vision improvement. I believe that everyone who is motivated can identify the roots of their vision problems and apply behavioral changes to solve them.

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Nathan Oxenfeld

I’d love to visit some of these places nowadays and see what/how they are 100 years later!

Christopher Lane

I think they may be actual photos but coloured in at a later stage! black and white looks better agreed. There is [must be] an app that transforms b + w movies into likely colour transformation hinted at by costumes kept in Hollywood museums. The dispensary is a drawing.

Roelof Wielinga

Hi and thanks for your posts. I’ve been following you for quite a while, and it’s great to see someone keeping the spirit alive!
Your founder, ‘Bates’ has a great resemblance with the founder of osteopathy: ‘Still’. According to my humble opinion, they have the same philosophy in health. I use the insights of Bates in my daily clinic, treating patients with health-problems. I successfully removed the glasses of my son, and I see the relevance of health in every aspect in relation to ‘prescribed glasses’.


Christopher Lane

Innovators are often ridiculed at first. Often have a passion to serve and deep respect for humanity – prefer to empower a human being rather than control… so keeping the “spirit alive” prompted this response. Osteopathy like many holistic health developments reviewed in Wikipedia from the 17th century make for some interesting historical research on general health… accepted responses to diseases that have fallen by the wayside in conventional and non-conventional by practices and asking searching questions and presenting experience and intuition to the individual in front of you. Osteopathy has seen many sister developments to resolve pathological conditions like massaging muscles connecting and networking with the bones -pressure release ‘Body Stress Release = BSR’ to mention one. As another starting point, if we take Hippocrates quotes: Examine the spine FIRST! Combine that with healing energy flow of shakras. Bates did that simply with the swinging practice simple rotation of the upper body from the knees up rotating ankles. Posture and breathing. The mind body connection factor is not easy to comprehend with out a fixed mindset. Injury, aging, disease, fears and stress affect individuals with different temperaments named by Hippocrates – Powerful Choleric / Popular Sanguine’s /Perfect Melancholics and Peaceful Phelgmatics. I am a Patch Adams [Dr Hudson] fan where humour and laughter play an important part in the healing relaxing process; honest lifestyle self assessment – everything in moderation. Equally the advances in scientific equipment to manage urgent issues are awesome. Collectively alternatives, irregular and complimentary medical practices including diets have a lot of share responsibly.